
Wednesday, July 2, 2014

4th of July Recipe Roundup

Independence Day is fast approaching and besides fireworks, parades, giving thanks for our freedoms there's also the food!

If you don't have your menu planned yet, might I suggest a few of our favorite summertime recipes?

BBQ Beef Sliders  -  This post barely counts as a recipe but it's still one that makes the tummy happy.  I remember that napkin.  This was obviously one of my first photo shoots and I dropped BBQ sauce on the napkin and it never came out.  Sad clown.  Oh well, at least the slider is awesome.  I'd now recommend Garland Jack's Brown Sugar Hickory BBQ sauce.  I could bathe in that stuff.

Brussels Sprouts with Caramelized Onions  -  This is the one that will have people wrinkling their noses...until they taste it.  It's this recipe that have made brussels a 2-3x per week staple in our diets.  Easily done on the grill!

Lemon Shake Up - With over 500 pins, people seem to love this lower cal option for a summer fair favorite.  I make them any time I can and they're super easy!  I even ended up buying a martini shaker to do them now so I can shake up like a boss!

Maple Sriracha Chicken Satay - Want a break from the usual cookout fare?  This is perfect for the grill and makes you look like a fancy pants culinary wizard.

Roasted Red Pepper Sloppy Joes -  Too hot and humid to tend to the grill?  No problem!  The crock pot awaits with this bad boy.  Stick it in the garage or back porch out of the rain to keep the house cool.

Tri-Color Potato Salad - Regardless of whether you're firmly planted in the mayo, Miracle Whip or sour cream camp, use any of them to make this sassy side a family favorite!

The Famous Cheeseball - Wanna see a bunch of people OD on cream cheese and crackers?  This is the path to deliciousness.

Roasted Tomatillo Salsa - Need something tasty to adorn those bland tortilla chips?  Look no further!  Super yummy!

Arugula Apple Salad with Citrus Mango Dressing - Trying to bring a new twist to the same old salad?  This leafy goodness pairs peppery arugula with tart apples for an explosion of flavor!

I hope everyone enjoys the holiday no matter what you choose to eat!

Do you make a point to cook out for the 4th of July or skip it and treat it like any other day?

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  1. Those are some amazing recipes right there. If people make any of those they will definitely get some major props from friends and family members. But they should know that they WILL be asked to make them again and again so just be warned there.

    1. I made myself hungry looking at those! LOL Yes, they are definitely ones that will be requested to be made again and again. I'm thinking a mini cheeseball is in order!

  2. I've eaten some of these recipes, and they are absolutely DE-lightful!!! Have a safe and Happy 4th!

  3. These all look yummy, and the ones I've tried from this list are definitely yummy. We'll be out of town at a pot luck for the 4th, if we were home we'd probably do something on the grill.

  4. Thanks so much! Potlucks can be fun! I love seeing what other people come up with to bring.


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