
Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Random McRandomson

Yesterday, I thought about the clearest path for the mattress dudes to get the new mattress up to our room.  The way I remembered it, they had to back our current one up the stairs, into the office and then into our room.  Well, the office kind of reminded me of Carol Anne's room from Poltergeist...

Like when JoBeth Williams opened the door and the crap was swirling around mid-air and screamed at her. Yeah, that was my office/studio.  So I decided every time I went upstairs to the call of nature, I would work on a small section.  I drank a lot yesterday so I got a fair amount done.  Now I won't lie, some papers ended up in a bag to be gone through later and the photography cart looks like an antique shop blew up on it but it looks presentable enough for now.  It was enough I thought the Mr was going to skip around the upstairs with glee.  It's looked that bad for that long.  

Our workout was Walk Away the Pounds last night.  I made it through okay with a little discomfort but not railroad spikes going through my ankles with every step so that was an improvement.  Then it was time for the deep tissue massage afterward.  The Mr dug in on the left one (not even the problem right now) and I wept like a bebe.  This might mean more if I also wasn't crying at the following things:

  • Latest episode of The Goldbergs when the Cyndi Lauper song came on.
  • Looking at pictures of senior dogs.
  • Looking through a childhood photo album
  • An episode of House Hunters.
  • A deodorant commercial.

Then he switched to the right leg which is giving me the what for and I became angry at it and began cursing in tongues.  So yeah, basically this confirms this is the last week of estrogen in my pack.  *rolling eyes*  I iced afterward like a good girl on my Achilles and behind my bruised IT bands/knees.  I'm writing down what I'm doing more for me to look back on to schedule what treatment I did and need the next day.  So, sorry if this stuff is boring.  Welcome to my life for the next few weeks!   :-)

Did you know yesterday was national pancake day?  To celebrate, we made our own knock offs of Taco Bell's new breakfast taco.  Ours had egg whites, cheese, chicken apple sausage and pancakes made with almond milk.

Yummy but note to self:  Don't make pancakes with almond milk.  Blech
The Mr loved it but my taco basically broke into a sandwich.  It was still good with a little dip into some syrup.  Sometimes breakfast for dinner is a moral imperative.

Side rant:  I bought a pair of jeans mail order because I can't find anything in a wash I like in stores.  I got them and they are like 3" too long and they're of average height.  I am almost 5' 10" for God's sake.  Who the heck did they make these for, some Amazonian woman that's 6' 2"??  If I return them, my only choice are petites and then the whole cut will be off.  I don't really want to hem them because jeans never have that finished edge, right?  If anyone can give me an "I had my jeans professionally hemmed" story to share, please do.

So, the Mr is teleworking so I wasn't here alone with two mattress dudes and no legs to stand on.  Chivalry is not dead.  We've got strength on the schedule tonight.  I think I might look up something on since the strength DVD's we have are a little more involved than my gams are ready for right now.

Do you have a room that you'd rather shut the door on and pretend it doesn't exist?  Breakfast for dinner...yay or nay?

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  1. Thanks again for cleaning up the office. That Poltergeist pic was spot on! Well, short of actually having things floating around like that I guess. The pancake tacos were awesome. Funny how combining all of those flavors together makes such a difference in taste. Highly recommended!

    1. No prob. I know it needs cleaned a little more thoroughly but that'll do for now. The tacos reminded me of a McGriddle. YUM!

  2. I'm a huge fan of breakfast for dinner, but hubby is not. When he used to work nights the little guy and I had pancakes at least once a week.

    I can't believe your jeans are too long. I'm 5'9" and I've never found a pair of women's jeans too long - most of the time I look like I'm getting ready for a flood and have to long for a "long" pair.

    My basement is proof that gravity works. All our crap that we don't know what to do with ends up down there. The guest room is the worst. It's actually the master bedroom so it's the largest, but we moved upstairs when the little guy was born to a smaller room across the hall from him. Everything we don't know what to do with ends up piled in there. The bed is clear, and there is enough space that guests can stay, but it's frightening.

    1. Breakfast for dinner is awesome! Tell hubby to get onboard. ;-)

      I know! I RARELY find jeans that are too long but these are ridiculous.

      Hey, guests should be lucky to have a bed, right? We got rid of our guest bed because no one ever stayed here so the only time we had a guest, she brought her own air bed. Kind of throws a wrench in the excuse "we don't have a bed."

  3. The room I want to shut the door on is my daughters bedroom. It's right off the living room and looks much better with the door closed. As far as breakfast for dinner, hells yeah! But carby foods don't do much for me appetite wise so I generally don't go that route. I love donuts but could eat a dozen krispy cremes and not feel full, so its better I don't go there.

    1. I think any parent probably wants to shut the door on their kid's room. LOL I had a "disaster area" sign on my door so I considered that my free pass. Great, now I'm craving chocolate long johns.

  4. I have more than one room that I close the door on and pretend it doesn't exist. In fact, I have two FLOORS of my house like that. To be fair, both are habitable but one is the basement filled with construction clutter and the other is the third floor where there is no heat (so it has to be closed off). The third floor is also the home of my craft stuff so it's getting a bit cluttery.

    In the main living areas of the house, there are two rooms that are shut off due to the clutter in them (still habitable but just messy and not fit for public viewing). One of those is my exercise room. Half of it is organized (for exercising) the other is a stack of plastic totes filled with junk. Shameful.

    Breakfast for dinner? When can I come over.

    1. As long as they're habitable, they're fair game for passable!

      I'll let ya know the next time we bust out the breakfast foods for dinnah!

  5. There is a way to hem your jeans that maintains the original finished edge, I found it on Katie's blog (runsforcookies) and tried it out, it was easy to do and it worked great! You may want to check it out.

  6. I saw an article once on how to keep the original hem of your jeans and still shorten then, here's the linky:

    Might be something to consider if you love the jeans other than the length.

    Oh and if you're getting a new bed today, wouldn't your workout tonight be in the bedroom? Just sayin'?

    1. Ooh thanks for the link! That looks easy enough but I don't have a sewing machine. Damn! I'll have to run to Grandma's and see if she still has hers and use a pair of old pants to practice.

      Nice bedroom suggestion! Perhaps some cardio before strength? ROFL

  7. Breakfast for dinner happens once a week for us. We love it!

    I have 2 rooms that I could shut the door on, but if I did that I wouldn't have the mess to taunt me. One is the office and the other is a guest room that has been taken over by craft supplies.
    I hope the new bed is all that you hoped for!!

    1. Yay! Another breakfast fan!

      I think a guest room and office are probably the two rooms most people let kind of collect stuff. Just when you get it cleaned, new piles of crap start to accumulate. (At least in this house!)

      I hope so too! It's acclimating to the temp right now. It's softened a bit since it first got delivered thankfully. In another few hours we should be able to put the sheets on!

  8. I've got 2 rooms. One is my office, which I am in every day but never seem to get finished. The other is the basement, which is hubby's mess and the door does stay closed for the most part.

    I love breakfast for dinner!

    1. Isn't it the worst when you're in a crowded space, look around and you just don't know where to start? The basement isn't your problem. LOL

      Breakfast for dinner = winner!

  9. I just bought 2 pairs of jeans online from Old Navy, and they were waaaaaayyy too long too! I've bought the same kind for probably 15 years and this is the first time I've been disappointed. They even sit higher on my waist too. They must have changed the cut on them. There is an alteration place at the mall I'm going to take them to as soon as the weather decides to cooperate. I looked online, and it doesn't look too difficult to hem them and keep the bottom cuff, but I don't sew at all, so I'm going to take them in.

    1. Oh man, Old Navy has totally screwed up their cuts and sizing. Everyone is complaining about it. I bought a size 20 jeans 3 years ago then got 2 pairs of the same size in the same cut for Christmas and they're like 2 sizes too small and I'm the same weight. They're so irritating when they do that!

  10. Just ONE room? I did make it my goal to clean out our two spare bedrooms (EMPTY NEST--except for that 28-year old son who lives in the basement), before my surgery at the end of January. I had probably 40-50 of those plastic totes up there, and I went through every one of them. I combined chore this with the putting away of Christmas stuff, which alone occupies about 20 totes. I sent those Christmas totes to our storage building, I don't really like doing that, because in the past, the mice have gotten in some of the boxes. I hate that. They chew up my stuff. And they're gross. But....when we spent way too much $$ putting up that damned storage building, it was with the understanding that it wasn't JUST for Du's stuff, but I could put some of my stuff in there too. So I did!

    Don't tell me about pants that are too long--welcome to my 5'4" world, and I am proportioned with a very long waist and very short legs, making it even worse. It's not pretty. So even if I get petite or short (when you can find them), they're still too long. Never had them professionally shortened however. Might work???

    Brinner? I think it might just be what's for dinner tonite! YUM!

    1. Hopefully the fact they're in totes will deter any mice but maybe set up some traps just in case? Those old fashioned ones have worked for us the 2 times we saw one here over the years.

      Girl please, they act like you can't be tall AND fat. My jeans are usually showing ankle like a knob or apparently now tripping over myself. I don't know who they're making these pants for.

  11. My office is the room that is a disaster zone. It tends to be the dump-all room in the house. The basement is right up there with it. I'm still working on my goal of 1 box/bag a week to get rid off either by throwing away or giving away, to make for 52 boxes/bags in a year.

    As for breakfast for dinner, that's a yessum about once a week. Eggs...yum. On the nights when we each want something different for dinner, I usually choose a bowl of cereal and as happy as a clam.

    1. Poor offices, they might as well be called the junk room. LOL Good on ya for continuing with the goal! That's a good one to have.

      I love breakfast for dinner so much. I don't usually do pancakes but since it was a "holiday" I made an exception. ;-) I recently tried Honey Nut Cheerio Medley that stuff is GOOD! I add some chia seeds to it and it's probably a new favorite. Cereal rocks!


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