
Monday, February 17, 2014


Today's late post is brought to you by the letter

Could be for "D'oh."

Or it could be for DVR and what happens when you get wrapped up in an American Pickers and Buying Hawaii marathon before falling asleep on the couch.


The weekend was okay.  We got more snow that wasn't called for but I needed to get out of the house so we made our way to some antique places and picked up some cute stuff.  It was time to get groceries to refuel for the next two weeks.  We tried to go Saturday evening but Trader Joe's is 12 kinds of insane at that time of night so we left and got up early the next morning.  We had it pretty much to ourselves but I wouldn't have minded sleeping in over schlepping to 3 grocery stores over the next 2 hours.

Feeling a bit puffy this morning so I need to drown myself in water.  I think we have a strength session on tap for today as well as back to intense physical therapy since my Achilles is still hurting and both legs feel like crap.  I've been slacking on my balance training and it's showing so that means a full month before I'm back to "normal."  You'd think I'd learn my lesson by now but nope, all of the upkeep on my legs is just ridiculous and I can't slack on a single aspect or I pay for it.  We've got a vacay coming up in the next few months and I don't have time for a relapse of my own making.  *rolling eyes*

Welp, that's about it on my end.  No real excitement to report.

How was your weekend?

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  1. Weekends go by so fast lately. But at least we got out of the house both days for a change which was very nice.

    1. They certainly do. Thankfully you're taking the next two days off so we get an extra long one!

  2. Mine was a good weekend with a meeting Saturday morning, then puttering around the house. Took care of bills and emails and allowed myself a lovely nap each afternoon. Did meal planning (crock pot chicken tacos...yum) and grocery shopping yesterday. Was supposed to go out with the girls tonight for dinner, but the 5+ inches of snow we got today put the kibosh on that.

    1. Puttering is good on the weekends! 5" of snow will do that...oy. We're getting ice right now, just glad the Mr took tomorrow off so he doesn't have to drive in this schtuff.

  3. binged on Buying the Bayou on tv...can not get in to Hawaii

  4. My weekend was interesting - in the Chinese curse kind of way. My folks were in town, the little guy woke up at like 1 am Friday throwing up. By Sunday hubby had the same thing. Then Monday we went and looked at cars to replace mine. I seriously hope the bug I had a couple weeks ago paid my karma debt and I don't catch this one too.


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