
Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Movie night...Valentine's Edition

It's movie night again.  Well, last night was.  So I thought I'd get two that could be geared toward a nice weekend rental for all of you lovebirds out there.  That and I wanted to milk the rom com card.  So here we go.

A Case of You  (affiliate link) 


This one stars Justin Long and Evan Rachel Wood.  A guy falls in like with the local barista.  Inept attempts to gain her attention fail before he finds out she was let go.  When he finds out her last name, he Facebook stalks her and alters his personality to morph into her ideal man.  Can a relationship based on fibs truly work out?  This was a cute little indie feeling film with some good laughs but some cringeworthy moments.  (But I tend to watch movies with my emotions like I'm in it.)  I liked the chemistry between the actors and I think given the circumstances, it ended in a way that didn't have me screaming for my two bucks back.  I think it's a pretty good rent for the Hallmark holiday Valentine's Day.  Recommended.

Baggage Claim  (affiliate link) 

Paula Patton and Taye Diggs star in this flick.  I've always liked Paula Patton and since she doesn't do a slew of comedies, I was in and made the Mr come along for the flight.  When a flight attendant (Patton) too busy for a love life finds her little sister is getting married before she is, she begins a quest to find a husband in 30 days.  She revisits ex's with varying degrees of success.  Is there hope that she won't have the fate of always a bridesmaid, never a bride?  I liked this one even though about a quarter of the way in, you know the way it'll likely end.  I think Paula is really talented but I love her in comedies because she's just so darn cute!  I think another good movie for the ladies.

The next one on our list is a preview we saw on the Case of You disc called A Perfect Man.  This one piqued my interest because it was actually filmed in 2000.  They shelved it and the guy was showing it in a film class and got such a great reaction from students that he began shopping it 13 years later!  I wondered why Jeanne Tripplehorn and Liev Schreiber looked so young in the preview and will be interested to see the digital work they had to do on them in extra shots.  Next week!

Seen any good movies lately?

(This post contains a few affiliate links.  Should you buy through them, I will get a couple of cents to keep the lights on in blogland.)
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  1. Nothing groundbreaking here of course but for a movie night it was entertaining and I did enjoy both movies. It's nice when you can still be entertained by a movie despite easily seeing where it's going. This was true in the case of both movies.

    1. See, I was a little surprised how the first one ended. I knew that was a possibility but you never know how indie flicks will decide to end since they don't have to go with the mainstream flow. But yes, both movies were good.

  2. My new goal in life is to beat The Mr. to "first post!!" ;-)

  3. This won't be your bag (most likely) but the Mr. might like it so I'll mention it.

    Pacific Rim

    Yup, the giant robots fighting monsters movie. The story is very basic (you can play plot/character bingo with it) but the acting is solid and the action is fun. And you get Charlie Hunnam and Idris Elba for eye candy (and you get a fun little Ron Perlman cameo as a shady character--he's always fun to watch). I was never a huge fan of the Kaiju (giant monster) movies before but if they start making more high quality (effects) ones like this, I'm in.

    1. We watched Pacific Rim paired with The Conjuring at the drive in over the summer. In comparison, I liked Pacific Rim but that's not saying much because The Conjuring was lame as hell. But PR at least held my attention even if it felt a bit long after a while.

  4. We rented "the Escape Plan" this weekend. As much as I like Stallone and Schwarzenegger, and as much as I like seeing older actors proving that they can still play the main role instead of being delegated to bit parts, the movie still felt a little forced. It was an interesting premise, but no real suspense.

    1. I wondered about that one. It's like if it came on TV I'd probably watch it but I almost wonder if it's better to remember them in their prime if it feels forced.


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