
Friday, March 8, 2013

Chaotic closet and this week's eats

I got some kind of itch to organize yesterday.  I was tired of opening the linen closet door and seeing controlled chaos so I dove in.  If you follow me and my sporadic Instagram musings then you saw that I had crap like 4 year expired cough medicine and such.  That seemed to be the common theme in things we would take and wonder why they wouldn't work.  Oh, you mean in order for Tylenol PM to work it mustn't be expired for 3 years?? 

But after a few hours of going through it and finally pitching crap I was holding on to but held on to for so long they went rancid, I got the after pic on the right.  Yeah that's right apparently Bath and Body Works long discontinued Daffodil Fields will smell like stale ass if you leave it to rot in the back of your linen closet.  Same with Avon's long discontinued Aromatherapy splash which now smells like bathroom cleaner.  Sigh.

I also found a buttload of expired prescription and OTC meds.  Since flushing is a big no no, I put them all in a plastic baggie while I went through the closet and then put veggie scraps in with them when I threw them away in the trash.

It looks SOO much better in there and I don't fear for my life anymore when opening the door.  

Now, let's get to the eats.

Sunday was chicken tacos with arugula and a side of brussels.  Calories:  596

Monday was crab stuffed flounder and a side of brussels.  Calories: 448

Tuesday I blew it up fancy pants style yo and made black pepper crusted filet mignon with caramelized onions, purple roasted garlic mashed potatoes and a Hawaiian sweet roll.  Calories:  760

Wednesday was three pepper chili with low sodium oyster crackers and asiago and a slice of toasted asiago peppercorn sourdough from TJ's.  Calories:  593

Thursday was leftover chili and the last of the cracker with a side of brussels.  Calories:  641

So that's the excitement to round out my week.  I don't think we have specific plans for the weekend yet but it's supposed to be 60 degrees and my butt is gonna be out and about.  I have no expectations for the scale tomorrow as Aunt Flo has taken to swinging from the rafters and bloating me like a puffer fish.  *grumble*

Got any plans for the weekend?  Have you cleaned out any closets?  When you clean out one area, does it inspire you to tackle other organization projects or take it all out of you?

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  1. Good Morning and Happy Friday! My Mother is moving in with me so I spruced up the guestroom and painted it. The trim looked so great compared to the rest of the house so I went on a mission and painted all the trim in the house! I just love it but spent about 5 weekends doing it! For decluttering I joined years ago and she got me in some great habits to keep the clutter at bay. It's a great website to try but you need to turn off all the emails if you join. My Mom is coming over for the weekend (moving date unknown) so we are going to chill and watch French Kiss, haven't seen it yet and its been in the DVR for weeks. Can't wait to take doggie for a much needed walk as it is all going to melt around here this weekend. Enjoy your day!

    1. HA, if you'd like to come over and paint our trim, I'll let ya! I tried FlyLady and I'm honestly too lazy. I'm so used to the method that doesn't work. Let it all pile up and go on a cleaning binge. Anything other than that feels against my DNA. :)

  2. Thanks for the awesome job on the linen closet. So much nicer in there now! Another great food week as usual. You rock!

    1. No problem! It needed to be done. I'll have to think on what culinary creations for next week!

  3. My linen closest makes your before pic look fantastic. I need to clean it out, but I haven't found the time and every time I open it I risk my life, or at least my dignity with all the thing that fall out. My iron fell out last week and almost landed on my foot. Moving it to the back is not the same as taking care of the problem.

    1. LOL...maybe I've put a little nudge to not have an avalanche come down on you too? ;-) My mom opened the linen closet looking for toilet paper in November and I was mortified. I swore I'd immediately clean can see how my ambition dwindled.

  4. I second both the endorsement of and the recommendation to turn off the emails, as they would drive a saint to drink. I love having organized cabinets, drawers and closets, and now that my packrat tendencies are somewhat under control, it's easy to do just one whenever the mood strikes me or I can't find something that's supposed to be there. A bonus is that when DH asks if we have something, I can tell him exactly where it is. My desk is the one remaining out-of-control clutter mess, always, except on the one or two days a year that I tackle it.

    And now I have a topper for you. When my mother got sick a few years ago, I went to Texas to stay with her for a week or so to take care of her when she was released from the hospital, and while I was there decided to declutter her house. Standing on the kitchen counters to reach into top cupboards not even a step-stool would reach, I pulled out food (potato chips and chocolate candy mostly) that had been expired for TEN YEARS! Naturally all sorts of pests had been up there--I should have had a Hazmat suit. In my mother's defense, she was 85 at the time and we had forbidden her to climb on anything higher than six inches. No way she could have reached that stuff. I blame us for not paying attention when we were there.

    1. I'm pretty sure if I went through my mom's place she'd had 10 year old stuff too. I got my pack rat tendencies from her. That's why I like living in a small place. Kind of forces me to purge every so often.

  5. I used to stock up on shampoos, shower gels, and things like that and then I found out the hard way that they don't last as long as you'd expect. Sigh.

    You are making me crave Brussels sprouts now!

    1. I only buy that stuff when I'm about halfway done with my current shampoo and on sale because I'm a cheapskate! :) I'm surprised I don't seep brussels smell out of my pores! *sniff* Maybe I do. :-O

  6. I had one of those big medicine cabinet awakenings a few years ago, and now I give it a clean out on time-change weekend. Yikes! That's THIS weekend! Anyway, the twice-a-year thing is working well for medications. I still struggle to throw away some of the creams and lotions and potions I paid a small fortune for.

  7. I've had a few closet cleaning experiences myself. The one thing I've learned to do is to literally do only one closet or one dresser at a time. I've had grand plans of cleaning an entire room out and 3 hours into it, I'm about ready to scream. So now I just do portions of a room until the whole thing is done. I don't have a lot of storage space so I have bins upon bins of clothes that are just piled everywhere. Sigh....

    We're due to get lots of rain tomorrow so no doggie park. I'm going to be working on some new recipes, paying some bills and doing some lovely reading. Oh yeah....guess what my friend.... today is my 30 day anniversary of pasta-free livin'!! How 'bout that!


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