
Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Movie night reviews

Last night was movie night so I thought I'd give my review of them.  I'm hoping Thursday they have Sessions with Helen Hunt since they were out.  Why they only get one copy of some movies is beyond me.  Let's do this...

The Perks of Being a Wallflower  (affiliate link) 

I kept hearing this was "The Breakfast Club" of this generation.  I was honestly a little apprehensive to rent it because I wasn't sure if I would compare it to The Breakfast Club the whole time or if...sigh...I would be too old to relate now.  We ended up really liking it.  It has a great soundtrack with some good 80's and 90's music.  Though we're not really sure what era it's supposed to be set in; that's pretty vague.  I will say the only thing that kind of annoyed me was Emma Watson's interpretation of how an American girl talks.  She kept crumpling her mouth up and doing these weird head gestures that got on my nerves a bit.  Paul Rudd and Dylan McDermott are in it as teachers and parents respectively which makes me feel old but I'm trying not to think about that.  HA!  Some people might find it annoying if high school antics and issues aren't your thing but trust me, there are some twists that punch you in the gut.  At the end, I cried like a baby.  Wouldn't you if you heard "I know these will all be stories someday and our pictures will become old photographs. And we'll all become somebody's mom or dad. [Um, not ALL of us but continue young man]  But right now, these moments are not stories. This is happening. I am here. And I am looking at her. And she is so beautiful."  Such a good reminder to live in the now.  Enjoy the moment, savor it because before you know it, it will be gone.

Robot And Frank  (affiliate link) 

We both really liked the trailer for this one and have been waiting for it to come out for what seems like forever.  I love the curmudgeon in Frank and the innocence of the Robot pre-corruption.  It reminded me of Twiggy from Buck Rogers.  Oh crap did I just date myself.  What can I say, my dad watched reruns back in the day.  Susan Sarandon was really great in it but I love her in pretty much anything.  This was another one with a few great twists in it as well that had me in tears by the end but more because of Frank sharing the same health issues as a family member.  I find it very hard to watch anything with dementia related topics without getting weepy.  I felt like some of it was a little off about 3/4 of the way through but overall liked it and would recommend it.

What movies have you seen/rented lately and what's your review?

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  1. Those were both very entertaining. It seems rare that we can have two good movies in a row. We usually get one good one and one stinker. I would recommend both of them!

  2. "And we'll all become somebody's mom or dad."

    WRONG! While I appreciate the general idea ("we'll all get old and boring, so enjoy your youth"), sweeping statements like that are off putting and would have ruined any moment a movie was trying to build with me. But I love Emma Watson's short hair.

    I'm going to have to investigate "Frank and Robot" more now. Never heard of it and it looks interesting.

    What have I seen lately? Well, if you want a movie with debauchery (translation: it's NC17 for sex) "Shame" is pretty good. The story is decent, the acting is good (Fassbender is easy on the eyes, especially when he's in suits which he is a lot in this), and I enjoyed it.

    Speaking of Fassbender, "Promethesus" is pretty good, too. It's part of the "Alien" franchise (a "prequel"--I dislike that word though it's apt here). You have to like sci-fi lite to enjoy it. There is some violence but nothing too horrific.

    If you like foreign films and/or wacky type comedy (a la "Curb Your Enthusiasm"--which is a funny show, by the way), I recommend "Klown". The only way I can describe it is the Danish "Curb Your Enthusiasm". The main characters are a mix of unlikable (a la Larry David) and hilarious. Though it's a lot more dirty than "Curb Your Enthusiasm" (think sexual situtations and nudity--but not raunchy sex scenes or porn type stuff).

    1. Oh trust me, I wanted to leave that line out as it make my ovaries shrivel and want to roll out but... Trust me when I tell you, the sweeping youth statement applies after everything that poor kid went through, especially what was revealed toward the end. I'll have to look up the other movies though I pray the Mr doesn't read about Promethesus. I really do not want to sit through 2 hours of that. LOL

  3. I watched "The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel" over the weekend. Great cast, beautiful cinematography and a fun way to spend a rainy Sunday afternoon.

    1. I wondered if that was any good but hadn't heard from anyone whose seen it. Will have to put it on the rent list!

  4. I didn't know they made "the perks of being a wallflower" into a movie!
    I've read the book like a dozen times, I really like the book.

    I haven't seen much recently, so no reviews from me lol

    1. I can't compare it to the book or anything but I felt like it was really well cast even though I didn't know most of them. It can be hard to cast teen movies that aren't cliche but this managed to do a good job in our opinions. Let me know how it compares if you see it!

  5. Those sound like good ones so I'll be on the lookout for them. We rented the new Resident Evil a couple weeks ago, but other wise we haven't rented much. We have watched a couple really bad ones on Netflix that aren't worth sharing.

    1. I think that's what Netflix is for...watching really bad movies! LOL

  6. Sounds like good movies...

    I loved Prometheus (someone mentioned it in the comments)...I was a huge fan..still am of aliens while growing up...and when I heard a prequel was coming, I had to watch it...Hehehehe...too good..

    Another movie that i watched and thought was nice was "side effects"..its pretty new...I dont know if u saw "gossip", older movie but I just loved the theme..and it has James Mardsen..

    1. I'll have to check out Side Effects, I keep seeing commercials for it. James Marsden was in Robot and Frank if it matters to ya. ;)

  7. I've seen NOTHING. We got four movie tickets in our Christmas stocking and I badly want to see several that are in the theater now, but hubby is a reluctant movie-goer at best. I usually just wait for them to come out on DVD, and we've let our Netflix membership expire, so we rarely even rent a movie anymore. I wanted Hope Springs for Christmas. Even told my sons to put it in my stocking, but none of them took my very blatant hint. I just thought hubby and I could relate to a movie about a LONG-married couple trying to revive the spark in life. Of course, since Meryl Streep isn't drop-dead gorgeous, hubby doesn't like her much. Women have to be beautiful to be in movies, according to him. We did watch the Westminster Dog Show this week. Of course the dogs we like never win, and I find it hard to believe that judging in that contest can be anything but entirely subjective, but it's still fun to see all those beautiful dogs.

    1. Um tell your hubby he needs to re-define beauty because Meryl Streep is GORGEOUS!! Such delicate features and even at her age, her skin is still so beautiful. I will say we were a little disappointed only because it was a bit of a darker movie than the trailer eluded to.

  8. Finally watched Incredibly Loud and Extremely Close (who names these things?), and despite the unwieldy title, I LOVED it. I had a hard time getting into it at the beginning, but SO GOOD. I've got Iron Lady sitting and waiting for just the right moment, bet Netflix is wondering where their movie is, I've had it awhile now-lol.

    1. God love ya for liking that movie. The Mr and I have VERY short fuses when it comes to kids as unwieldy as that one was. We almost ejected it! LOL Must go check out this Iron Lady you speak of.


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