
Monday, February 11, 2013

Lazy weekend recap

What a lazy, weird weekend.

I was itching to go to Whole Foods since we hadn't been there in a while.  But some of the pretentious snobs are a little precious for me to deal with when Aunt Flo is in town, so we chose to go Friday an hour before closing.  I didn't even know why I wanted to go and it's all the way on the other side of town.  We got there and took extreme pleasure in being able to leisurely look at the bulk seed and nut section.  It is usually teeming with idiots acting like they're bulking up for the apocalypse and time is of the essence.  This is of course until some weird older lady comes up, talking to herself and instead of saying excuse me just walks into the Mr.  We look at each other and said "apparently excuse me isn't in people's vocabulary anymore."  She just went on muttering to herself and whacking her big ass bag around like no one was in the vicinity.  I knew if staying out of jail was in the cards for me, I should probably move out of the section.  As we passed the cheese and wine section there were a bunch of middle aged people all hootin' and hollerin' at one of the tables there.  I was almost envious until I got closer and they began singing The Rolling Stones "Ruby Tuesday" and "American Pie" or something of that ilk very loud.  I looked at the Mr and loudly said "I'm so cool, I get drunk at Whole Foods!"  Yeah, Aunt Flo erases ANY thin filter I have.  Seriously, if my Friday night in my future is ever spent getting drunk at Whole Foods, smack me...hard.  More importantly, if any of your Friday nights are spent getting drunk at Whole Foods, the first step is admitting you have a problem!  I ended up getting some chia pasta and a low sodium pineapple sauce which isn't too impressive on it's own but is going to be made into a different sauce to serve the greater good.

Saturday was rest day and dang did we need it after our first week of exercising 6 days a week.  We went to an overhyped Italian restaurant that doesn't even deserve to be mentioned here for the first time.  They made a horrible first impression, their food wasn't very good and we've come to the conclusion that high cal meals are so hard to choose anymore because I'm such a good cook.  I'm not saying that to be conceited, I just mean I always walk away from a restaurant disappointed (especially new ones to us) and the Mr always says "yours is better."  Cripes man, can there be more than just a few pizza and burger places that we can rely on so mama can get at least ONE break meal a week.  I cook a lot, yo!  So that night I broke out the "weekend burgers" I froze a few days ago and we had those and if you follow me on Pinterest, I made those no fry fries.  I used 1/2 tbsp of good olive oil and 1/2 tbsp of Hawaiian sea salt and a sprinkle of black pepper.  The Mr said they had the perfect amount of crisp and were perfectly seasoned.  I would totally make these again if I was patient.  They really don't take much longer than my microwave potato wedges; maybe 10 more minutes and a little more babysitting.  You know you want some...

They tasted like what we call "fair/boardwalk" fries but not as drenched in oil.  Yum.

Sunday was a pure waste of a day other than our Paul Katami's Ultimate Kettlebell (affiliate link) workout.  I was grumpy and hungry all day.  I just wanted to shovel food in my face from dawn to dusk...AHHH, Xanadu just came on!!!  "And now, open your eyes and see, what we have made is real, we are in Xanaduuuuuuuu"....sorry, where was I?  Oh yeah, I didn't shovel food in my face but the urge was mighty.  It could've been eating a 50 lb watermelon, it wouldn't have mattered.  I hate that feeling.

Now we've got a whole new week laid out ahead of us.  It's the Chinese New Year so it's like the 2nd clean slate for people who might've slacked on the first round of resolutions.  HA!  For now, I'll just make a weekly goal and that is, I'm hoping I can work my foot this week without much modification and by the time I go back to my follow up next week the doc can clear me.  While I'll miss my Johnny Angel, I must admit I won't miss forking over a very reasonable $40 every appt.

Do anything fun this weekend?  What are your goals for the week?

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  1. Lazy weird weekend definitely sums it up well. I also had my first (and likely only) ukulele class Saturday morning and it seemed like the rest of the weekend was pretty much uneventful, which is good in some ways, but you sometimes wish you could take some things back, like bad italian food. Next weekend we'll have to plan things out a little better and make it a bit more special.

    1. Yeah. I don't know why that was but I suppose we're entitled to a lazy/weird one every now and then.

  2. I also went to Whole Foods this past weekend but never could find anything I wanted. They do have an awesome salad bar though! I went to Trader Joe's and found a few things but I never quite find the plethora I am expecting I always walk in thinking I will find the perfect low cal low carb sugar free creation and walk out feeling disappointed. I will check out the kettlebell workout you mentioned

    1. I was honestly reaching on the stuff I did buy at Whole Foods. I didn't want to make the trip a waste by coming out with nothing. HA!

      I think you'd love that kettlebell workout. My legs and arms are screamin' today!

  3. The weekend here was long, but good. We even got some snow Saturday night. Those huge, beautiful movie snowflakes - it was great and I just watched it snow for a long time. Now I'm left wishing it was a 3 day weekend instead of being back to work already.

    Chinese New Year sounds like as good a reason to strengthen resolves as any.

    Maybe you should open your own restaurant, train people to cook the way you want them too, and then go there for your high cal meal. I'll admit it seems like a difficult and convoluted plan but...

    1. There's nothing better than those snow flakes. We call them "Charlie Brown flakes." I would so open my own restaurant just to get good food as long as someone else ran it! HA!

  4. Hahahha....Same here...we have a WF right around the corner from lunch is sometimes at the WF...and I know what u mean about the drunks at WF..hahaha...Its usually around the coffee bar too..which is weird..there we are getting mochas (100 calorie almond milk ones) and I see people getting sloshed on beer at 3PM..sheesh...

    I like their new trail mix section...yum!!

    1. I don't get it! It's like "you do realize how bad it looks that you're getting drunk at a natural foods grocery store right?" LOL There are certainly some interesting add in's at theat trail mix section!

  5. I just came across your blog! Awesome that you and your husband lost all that weight! So inspiring! and the food looks delicious!!

    1. So glad to "see" you and hope you'll stick around for the ride! Have a great day!

  6. Those fries look perfect--I totally know exactly what you mean when you say boardwalk fries and those are my FAVORITE kind. Going to Whole Foods makes me feel stabby too, especially on the weekends. Too many people taking up too much space, walking too slowly. Gah!

    1. I was so impressed with the texture and taste of the fries. It'll be hard to make them any other way from now on...until my lazy gene kicks in. HA!

      ROFL...yes! Stabby! That's exactly how I feel when I'm in there, especially at peak times.

  7. Fries look yummers. And today and yesterday I too want to shovel any and everything into my GOB. OMGosh the week before is terrible.

  8. You made me laugh too because if I go in public right now someone's gonna get it. HAha and I'm at work, Not good. Thanks for sharing your honesty with us.

    It's nice to know I'm not alone. And its nice to be able to laugh at myself instead of being so intense. (that what today feels like, intense, I hate it)

    1. I'm glad to share! I'm not gonna pretend that I am able to wade through hormonal times with a smile on my face because I don't. The Mr has to wear armor and I need to stay away from crowds or I will end up in a cell. Here's to a less intense day! :)

  9. I'm generally a live-and-let-live person, but I can't abide obnoxious, inconsiderate drunks anywhere other than a bar setting. Certainly would have had me heading for the WF door.


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