
Monday, May 7, 2012

Guest Post: A Schorr Thing

Some of you may know about Jeff from my previous posts of adoration.  He was dating a friend of mine and I'm glad to say that we still kept in touch even when life took them on different paths.  The last day of 2011 was spent having breakfast with him while in Chicago and talking about his plans for the coming year.  When we left, we were so excited and full of positivity that we felt like we could do anything.  He has a contagious enthusiasm and a true want to better himself.  He's someone you should know, follow, subscribe to, etc.  I'm proud to introduce Jeff from A Schorr Thing!

Hello fellow SATWers! While the Mrs. & Mr. are out getting their annual Aloha, I get to drive for a bit. So hold on - it's going to be a WILD ride! Ok, I may be overselling it a tad  ;)

At first, when the Mrs. asked me to write a guest post, I wasn't really sure what to say. I thought about writing about food, or running, or maybe traveling (all passions of mine), but none of those felt right. Then I realized what I wanted to share and what we all (if you're reading this) have in common - each other! 

Lately, I've had the good fortune to run into several very like minded people. Kindred spirits, if you will. I'm sure you know the kind - people who simply are on the same wavelength as you. Easy to talk to, easy to get along with, and energizing to be around. They almost seem to have a light coming from somewhere deep inside. The Mrs. and Mr. are like that for me. When we had breakfast on New Year's Eve, I walked away from the meal feeling focused and ready to conquer the world! It's incredible how when you least expect it, the universe conspires to bring folks across your path to help you onward, up to the next level. 

A little while back, I was at my friend Yousuf's wedding near Washington, DC. Some of you may have read the post on my blog about the two weeks I spent in Honduras last year - if not, I spent time on Roatan building a home for a family in need on the island with a "friends and family" group of volunteers. One of the other volunteers was Yousuf. He wasn't able to get two weeks away from work, so he came in halfway through. This will tell you all you need to know about Yousuf - he came riding up to the work site in the back of a pickup truck, straight from the airport, luggage and all. At the time, I was digging out the hole for the latrine. Yousuf walks up, jumps down in the hole with me, says "Hey, I'm Yousuf" and starts shoveling. That's my kind of guy. 

Before his wedding, around three in the afternoon, we met up in the hotel bar and he introduced me to his friend Josh. Josh is an impressive guy too. A successful entrepreneur who is living his best, authentic life and who is planning to go nomad (traveling across the country in an RV). We sat and talked for hours. About his business, my goals, life, love and everything in between. Inspiring, to say the least. Before I knew it, four hours had flown by and time to go to the wedding.  

And at the reception, I got to sit next to Scott, my friend from New York who organized the trip to Honduras. Scott is a motivational speaker who works with young adults and travels across the country inspiring kids and travels the world doing good deeds. Hello energy!

There is immense power in coming together with those that share our values and world views. We can't make it in this world alone. We need friends and mentors to help us hone our skill, to press us to do more, to climb higher. Whether it's in the physical world or online, finding a community like this one and participating makes us ALL better. You know what? The more time you spend with those people who's light draws you in, the more your own light starts to blaze. And the world needs all the light it can get, friends! 

On my blog, I like to start with a quote. I'd like to end with a favorite of mine here. 

"As we let our light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence actually liberates others." 
- Marianne Williamson

Thanks for reading and make it an amazing day!

See what I mean?  Show him some love in the comments then click on over and subscribe to A Schorr Thing so you can continue to be inspired by that awesome attitude!

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  1. What an inspiring and energizing post. Thank you.

  2. Thanks for popping over to guest post, Jeff. We can all use a little positivity.

  3. Thanks for satiating our SATW sweet tooth! My brother (who is also a weight loss blogger) & sis-in-law went to Honduras in December to do sort of the same things you were doing there! Small world!

  4. Thank you for the awesome substitute job you did today!!! :-) I have to say that the entire time I was reading, flashes of people just like you were describing kept popping up in my own times when I met others that inspired me - those kindred spirits. You are right - SO important!!! Thanks again - you did wonderfully and just so the Mr. and Mrs. know - in my book, you're welcome back anytime they need another guest blogger!

  5. What a delightfully positive post! So much nicer than "if you lay down with dogs..." :)

    Seriously, great reminder to keep our eyes on the greatness around us and to do our part to fill in the gaps.


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