
Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Movie Night

Last night was movie night.  We rented Don't Be Afraid of the Dark and Contraband.  (affiliate links)  We made sure we got our workout in early so we'd have enough time to watch both.

The little girl in DBAotD, Bailee Madison,  is such a good actress.  I remember her from Brothers  (affiliate link) and she was amazing then.  I'll be honest, I can't really recommend the movie but she was the best thing in it.  I don't like gore and they managed to provide it yet the gore was performed by these little monsters that looked like they came straight out of Labyrinth so it was hard to be truly terrified.  The Mr was like "lame!"  I concur.

Contraband drew us in with the trailer.  I can't help it but every time we see Mark Wahlberg in any acting role we can't help but think of the SNL skit Mark Wahlberg Talks to Animals where Andy Samberg mocks him and he was like "Hey donkey, what's going on?  You're a donkey, I like that."  So even in the most serious of moments, we could bust out laughing just at a tone in his voice because in our minds we're going "hey're a donkey!"  Of course what made it even better was how he poked fun at himself in response to the original skit.  Anyhoo, the movie was your typical shoot 'em up curse fest but with a nice twist or two.  Recommended if you're into that kinda thing.

We had our usual movie snack...

We had enough calories to throw in a diet hot chocolate too.  Yum!  I don't know what it is about movie night but we've got to have something a little extra (budgeted into the calories before consumed of course) and that light kettle corn from Trader Joe's is the perfect amount of sweet and salty and only 110 calories per bag!  We also take them into the theater when we go on rare occasion.  They'll be coming with us at the drive in Sunday night so we need to make a TJ's run this weekend.

Do you have movie snacks when you rent movies or go to the movies?  What kind?

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  1. Congrats on staying on plan while watching the movie!
    I love movie theater popcorn and milkduds/raisinets at the movies. Too bad they are so high in calories :(

    1. Thanks Chica! :) Ooh Milkduds. I haven't had those in ages. I wonder if I could eat them now without yanking my teeth out? LOL I bet you could make some "homemade" raisinettes. Get some dark chocolate and melt one of those 100 calorie bars and lay out some raisins on some wax paper and drizzle the chocolate over the top. Hmmm....

  2. We never GO to the movies (well, almost never--we went on our anniversary for the first time since Air Force One came out). When we watch a movie, and when we want a snack, it's good old fashioned popcorn with butter. Yep, calorie bomb, but it doesn't happen often.

    1. Hey, every now and then doesn't hurt especially if you get a small and not one of those mondo buckets. I have found that sadly the movie theater is completely ruined with the advent of cell phones. Must be why I don't use one or I'm just an 88 year old at heart!

  3. Rentals, not so much. Popcorn sometimes, usually the light microwave stuff. When we actually go to the theater (like maybe 4 times a year) we usually go ahead and splurge on the theater calorie bomb popcorn. If it were more often, we wouldn't splurge like that.

  4. It was nice to just chill and watch some movies as we haven't done that in awhile. The popcorn is the perfect compliment to a movie and definitely doesn't break the calorie budget in the process which is nice.

    In that second link to the SNL skit where Mark makes fun of himself he should have talked to Amy's baby and said "Hey baby, you're a baby. Say hi to your mother for me". That would have been hilarious!

    1. Yes it was. I like when we actually have 2 movies we can get and make a whole night of it, even if the one was kind of lame. I love that we can indulge in popcorn that doesn't break any nutritional banks for us.

      OMG, that would've been CLASSIC! That is why I love you! <3

  5. I love movie night! ESPECIALLY, SCARY movie night! Scary movies are my fav! My best friend and I went and saw Cabin In the Woods the other day! It was directed by Joss Whedon (hello, Buffy the Vampire Slayer!) and I looooooooooooved it!!! As for my movie snack, I always, always get popcorn! I either make my own microwave popcorn so I don't eat all the crazy chemicals in the packaged stuff (1/2 cup of kernals in a brown paper bag in the mirco-zapper & 160ish calories for 6 cups!) or I get a kids pack from the movies with no butter. The perfect serving size and cheaper than anything else plus it comes with a drink and fruit snacks or M&Ms!

    1. I saw that Cabin in the Woods is playing at a drive in and I might be down for that. If not, we're definitely renting it. I'm such a scary movie wuss now. I really love 80's and 90's horror movies but I don't like gore which is seems like much of the 2000's have been. I MUST try the homemade popcorn sometime! It's on my 'to try' list!

    2. Ok, so if you aren't a fan of gore you may not like CITW. Gore doesn't bother me one bit (I watched the first Saw home alone on a Fri night while sippin' on cosmos) so I really enjoyed it. Plus you could tell it was made by the same guy who made Buffy which is super close to my heart. I found the popcorn recipe on Pinterest, tried it once, and haven't bought the microwave crap since. It's amazing! I also spray mine with Parkay spray and add Ranch popcorn seasoning to give it some flava-flav. Here's the link so you'll have it when you are ready to try it!

    3. Thanks so much for the link! I'll have to remember to put paper bags on the grocery list. Can't wait to try it!

      Also, thanks for the heads up on CitW! LOL

  6. I found that popcorn at TJ's after seeing it in your blog and I love it. It's pretty salty and I tend to retain water for a few days afterwards--but it's definitely worth it. A bag of that popcorn and a Diet Squirt and I'm set for the movies at home! When we go to the theater (maybe once a year), we go commando--i.e. we don't eat nothing!

    We always call Mark Wahlberg, Markie Mark, in reference to his old rapper/singing days. My son and his friends made a trip to New Orleans when they were underage and found out nobody down there cares how old you are. They will serve you alcohol anyway. They got thoroughly drunk, I believe, ever single day they spent in New Orleans, took pictures and movies of their drunken escapades, and even sent us a postcard signed, "Marky Mark (my son's name IS Mark) and the Funky Bunch." In fact, they had so much fun, they went back again the next spring. They made it home alive and I'm sure have memories from those trips to last a lifetime. Sometimes it's okay to be lenient parents. Today he's married with two (beautiful!) kids and a great job, beautiful home and wife, and he's VERY happy. I must have done something right?! He turns 40 this summer. Scary thought. There is no way you can kid yourself that you're still young when you have a kid who is 40!

    1. Ooh girl, that stuff only has 120mg of sodium and it effects you like that bloat wise? You've get a sensitive system! :) But yeah, it is worth it. I love that stuff and just that feeling of having something to shovel in with little caloric consequence (especially when compared to what you'd get at the theater...but I did see they came out with movie theater popcorn there. 200mg of sodium for 2 cups, can't vouch for it yet though)

      That's hilarious! Marky Mark and the Funky Bunch. I couldn't stand him when he first came out but I like him as an actor and after that skit, I can never watch him again without thinking of it. Okay, I'm going to watch it again.

  7. I LOVE scary movies, and I'm bummed DBAotD wasn't very good. I'll probably still see it though. I heard Cabin in the Woods, was REALLY good, so I hope that's true, because I want to see that too. We're lucky enough to have a theater in town that show's movies for $1. They get there usually a month or two after they've been released, but for $1, I'll wait! When we go, I get Junior Mints, LOVE THEM!

    1. We really felt like DBAotD should've either taken out the gore they added to make it an R so it could be PG13. It just didn't feel like a rated R movie, ya know? A $1 for a movie in a theater? I'd wait too! :) Mmm, Junior Mints!

    2. Cabin in the Woods WAS AH.MA.ZING. LOVE, LOVE, LOVED IT!!!!!

  8. I love love love to make my own stove top popcorn. Just in some olive oil with a bit of sea salt. so goood!!!

    1. I can't wait to give this a go. I wonder if I can make my own kettle corn? Hmm!

  9. We are so lucky that we have an old time movie theater close by that charges $6 per ticket (it used to be $4 a couple of years ago), and they show first run flicks that have been out for a couple of weeks. If nothing there, then we'll rent out a movie from the cable company or just search one out from the multitude of channels we pay for. Gotta have some light microwave popcorn and have been known to "sneak" it into the theater in a large purse. Sometimes though we go after dinner on Saturday, and then we're full, so no snacks at all.

    1. I know, I whip out the big purse too! Not at all a tell tale sign. HA!

  10. Ohhh, love that TJ's kettle corn! We don't do movies all that often, but if we're watching at home, we usually make popcorn on the stovetop. At the theater (the once or twice a year we make it), my Mr. and I might split a box of bon bons or something like that, otherwise we bring our own snacks. Too expensive both in $$ and calories to buy much of anything there!

    1. Me too! We love it! I'm a cheapo so I wait until there is a good two-fer at the drive in. It's $8 per person so I feel like $4 per movie that are new is a good deal. It satisfied my inner cheapskate!

  11. Oh, how I wish we had a drive in here. I'm not a big movie person at all, but a big, fat kosher pickle is my movie food, with a serving of popcorn popped on the stove, not in the microwave.

    1. The drive in is nowhere near us but we drive out there on Sunday night's when it's much less crowded. We just discovered it last summer so it's becoming a nice new tradition!

  12. Totally a movie theater popcorn person but I'm going for the salt - hold the butter/pump!!!
    I do love the sound of the sweet/salty kettle corn.....

    And I am a chicken! I do "psychological thrillers" with my hands on the sides of my face, ready to plug the ears if the music builds too much or something equally scary occurs! But I like them.
    True horror movies, and wicked scary movies? I can't handle them! :)

    1. I love psychological thrillers and prefer PG13 movies since the rated R horror movies are usually so gory now. I don't like movies like Saw, Hostel and stuff like that at ALL. Give me an 80's/90's horror movie and I'm good but otherwise I'll take something like Paranormal Activity because what you don't see is way more scary than what you can.

  13. I have trouble sitting still long enough for a movie, but if I watch one at home, I go for the air pop!

  14. I'm so weird--I find food to be a distraction when I watch a movie. But I still associate movies with snacks and I want one, so I'll eat the entire thing during the previews. :/

    I love that TJ Kettle Corn too! I need to look for that individually portioned kind next time I'm there...

  15. You are so healthy! I bring candy to the movies, and more than 110 calorie's worth...

    Gonna have to check out that Mark Wahlberg clip now!


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