
Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentine Treat for your honey

I'll be honest, while chocolate covered strawberries look like they'd be decadent and heavenly, I'm not a strawberry fan.  (I'll allow a few seconds for the collective gasps!)  It's a texture thing; seeds in anything make me retch.  Strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, kiwi's, etc.  However, they are my hubby's favorite.  So I was going to buy 6 of them from a popular berry place online and by the time I got to the order page it was going to be $43 for 6 BERRIES!  (And 3 of them in white chocolate which he hates!)  I said screw it and went to the farmers market and got a ton of long stemmed strawberries.  I'd smuggled in a Special Dark bar earlier in the week so for a total of $12 not only did I have enough for a sweet Valentine's treat for my honey but leftover berries for his lunch for the week!

Take 8 strawberries, rinse and dry them. Melt 8 bars of Special Dark in a 4 oz container in the microwave for 45 seconds and stir to smooth out. Dip berries in chocolate and put on wax paper and put in the fridge to harden.

Then if you want to make them look all fancy and special, buy some cello bags with little hearts on them and when they're firmed up, bag them and keep them in the fridge until you're ready to surprise your sweetie with a heart healthy treat!

Calories 245  Fat 12g  Carbs 35g  Protein  3g  (Half that if you share!)

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