
Monday, February 15, 2016

Valentines Weekend

It's so funny, sometimes we're all into Valentines Day and sometimes we aren't.  I don't need gifts or anything, cards are fine but I didn't mind the mints the Mr picked up for me and he didn't mind the Curly Wurly's (old school Marathon bars) that I got for him.  My mints are firmly hidden so I'm not tempted by them anymore.

Saturday was a good day even though we ended up going into it without a plan.  (!)  But words were not exchanged, tears were not shed and we were kind and considerate of each other.  We were doing our main VDay celebrations that day as far as me getting cooking time off and such but we also kept leaving valentines for each other around the house...

I even took him to Toys R Us for a Star Wars figure he wants.  But we had a good meal, got some running around done and rented two movies...Ant-Man for him and Love the Coopers for me.  (affiliate links) While Love the Coopers wasn't necessarily an uber feel good movie, damn it was a thinker and I ended up snotty more than a few times over it just based on life lessons it was giving based on how I've been feeling lately.  One of the best lines in the movie was "Why waste a moment?  We're here such a short time."  It was uttered by an elderly woman who had a mild form of dementia but was full of spunk.  Plus I love anything with Jake Lacy in it because his good guy demeanor is just swoon-worthy as hell.  The Mr really liked Ant-Man so I'm glad for that.  It wasn't that I disliked it, I laughed quite a bit, I'm just not into the superhero movies.

Sunday I had a big Valentine brunch planned.  I made a smoothie to tide us over because it was going to take a while but when it was done it was worth it...

Jazz and brunch...our Sunday tradition.  We got into a work project that took longer than we thought and before we knew it half the day was gone.  *kicks pebble*  We needed to make a grocery run for some fruit and veggies so we did that and then when we got back, it was time for a hellacious 70 minute lower body session with Daniel and Kelli from Fitness Blender.  Much like puppies, I think God made Kelli so cute so you wouldn't go through with any of the thoughts you had when she has you cursing her out halfway through.  But we knew a good dinner was on tap afterward.  I snagged the last filet mignons at Trader Joe's, had a salad and made a healthified twice baked potato...

Not to toot my own horn but...*glances both ways*...TOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT!!!!  Perfectly cooked, within our calorie range (especially after burning over 1000 calories) and I know everything that's in it all!  Who needs a restaurant with its jacked up prices and lukewarm food?  Not us!

We chilled, caught up on the DVR a bit, and I planned some meals for the week.  It was a good weekend!  We're hoping to *maybe* get out to snowshoe/ski this morning but it all depends on if the weatherman was right or not and I don't put much money on those people anymore.  It should feel really good after last night's leg workout.  *rolling eyes*

What did you guys do this weekend?

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  1. I went to see Pride and Prejudice and Zombies with a friend. I had to go out of town to see it, but it was so worth it. Then I hung out with another friend until way too late Saturday night. Yesterday was housework and paperwork.

  2. Awwww, your brunch and dinner look spectacular!! I'd be all over those heart-shaped pancakes -- yum!! I am so glad that you guys had a nice weekend and enjoyed your movies. I was supposed to go see Love The Coopers with a friend of mine but I couldn't make it so she saw it and said much what you did about it making you think. Sounds like it was a pretty good weekend and I'm thrilled to hear that! Did you do any snowshoeing/skiing today??


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