
Friday, January 29, 2016

What I'm Reading This Week 2016 #4

It has been a LONG week but much longer for the Mr. due to his audit.  We've had some seriously late workout and dinner times this week and neither of us are a fan.  But thankfully that clusterfudge is over with and we can focus on other things like...

15 Things in Your Kitchen to Get Rid of Right Now  (Literally upon finishing this article, I went into the kitchen and purged 5 cookbooks, a stack of "just in case" cups, wine glasses we never use and a garlic press.)

The 10 Most Toxic Items At Dollar Stores  (Yikes)

The Best Stretches to Avoid "Text Neck" and Neck Pain  (Get in the habit of doing these.  I've been doing some neck stretches this week and have staved off that craned, stiff neck from being at the computer all day)

The Real Reason You Get Sick After A Stressful Period Has Ended  (Knowledge is half the battle)

This Is the Fastest Way to Lose Weight Safely (Great info if you're just starting your journey or need a refresher course)

Could There be Bed Bugs in my Rental Car?  (Great, now the Mr will have to check roaches AND bed bugs on our Hawaii rentals)

This Insane Fact About Store-Bought Eggs Is Going Viral  (How to decode that code on the carton)

Watch Out For Sore Muscles: Here Are 5 Signs It Could Actually Be an Injury  (This has some really great information!)

Why Do Some People Sweat Way More Than Others?  (We can vouch for the Clinical Dry.  Just watch back hair when using the roller.  I hear it rips like a beetch!)

9 Surprising Things Your Eyes Can Reveal About Your Health  (So crazy the things your eye doctor can tell just by the exam!)

25 Ways to Cut 250 Calories  (I'm sorry but if I'm splurging on a burger, 1) it ain't gonna be at a fast food place and 2) if I'm thinking of "balance", it's gonna be balancing a burger with some damn fries, not a burger and a clementine.  Sorry, as you were)

The Best Foods to Eat When You're Constipated  (Duly noted)

When She Couldn't Attend the Wedding, This Groom Surprised His Grandma In the Hospital  (Oh my heart!  These pics are adorable)

9 Dos and Don'ts of Funeral Etiquette  (I swear on all that is holy if you attempt to Instagram or use social media at my funeral, I would come back from the dead, beat the hell out of you, Instagram THAT and hop back in the casket.)

The Best Video I've Seen All Week  (Seriously, they are our dork twins.  The Mr and I have done this but not on as awesome of a scale.  New goal for the Hawaii trip)

I don't normally get into "causes" but this one is worthwhile to all of us.  The FDA wants your comments on how the term "natural" should be defined.  This means if you see the word "natural" on a food item, what do you think it should mean?  Do you think it should be organic?  Not contain GMO's?  Not contain artificial or synthetic ingredients?  This is your chance to let your voice be heard.  I'm seeing far too many products labeled as natural these days and a flip of the package reveals some scary very unnatural ingredients.  To make a quick comment to the FDA on the subject, click here and let your very important voice be heard.  You can be anonymous should you not want your name attached.  Upon completion, make sure you select "individual consumer" as the category.  Power to the people, yo!

What are you doing this weekend?

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1 comment:

  1. If ever there was a greater day to say TGIF!!! This is it!

    Those who can't do - Audit.


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