
Monday, November 16, 2015

Christmas fun, anatomy of a bad cereal and crapola on the horizon

It was quite the busy weekend.  I hate to sound repetitious but where the heck did it go??  It's only going to swirl down the tubes quicker from here on out.

Sadly our high cal day meals the past two weekends have been "well, that's the last time we're eating there" experiences.  All of my actual food was crap tasting Saturday and there's nothing worse than having gross food on the only day you get off from cooking.  Sigh.

We got our holiday merriment on and it was nice to sip cocoa and watch well behaved children dance with songs.  But because I'm an 8 year old boy inside, this was the funniest thing I saw that day.

We got to bed late and had to be up somewhat early to go grocery shopping. (Didn't we just do that??)  I would say we fueled up for breakfast with the Mr's new cereal but 30 minutes later I wanted to eat my hand.

Let's take a closer look...

I love him and I get that he's excited about the new Star Wars coming out next month but I swear if I hear one more light saber fight, X Wing firing or crap spouting from Yoda's pie hole, I'm going to light something on fire.  Sorry, just had to get that off my chest.  It's been this way for a year and it's reaching a fever pitch with the movie so close to release and the force is weakening my usual cheery disposition.  (HA!)

We did all of our grocery shopping and of course it seemed like a refuel week more than normal so we walked more and spent more.  By the time we got home, my legs were so shot.  I needed some actual sustenance so we got some Progresso Light soups and I made a grilled peanut butter and cinnamon honey sandwich.  What has two thumbs and hates chunks of tomato in her soup?

This girl.

We pooped out a little bit and the Mr got up and cut my veggies for the week.  I've had to stop getting cantaloupe because they are gross or rotten lately so watermelon it is.  Quite the winter treat.  Then it was time for our workout so we walked the river for a few miles because what do shot legs love more than more walking?  It warmed up quite a bit by then so it was a nice afternoon.

Then time to tackle the tornado that hit the house.  Ugh. I don't think it ever looked that bad.  Plus there's nowhere to put anything.  On a progress note, I did start wrapping some presents and just have the Mr's left to wrap until a few more things for my mom come in.

We made a decent dent but nothing I'm satisfied with.  Ugh.

The Mr has some crap to take care of at work this week and they've put the smackdown on teleworking so he'll be working like a regular person at the grind.  Then I just remembered we have the basement people coming back Friday night.  That's right, we had a big rain and noticed more water seeping in.  We told them they need to actually dig on the outside of the house and go down about five feet where the damage is.  Damage by the way that was clearly visible when they were here the first time.  A-holes.  They can come in and look all they want but they're not doing a single thing to the basement again.  No more paint on band aids, douche bags.  Great, now my brain is throbbing.

What did you guys do this weekend?

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  1. Yeah the Star Wars cereal was more nostalgia than taste. That was supposed to be a Jedi Starfighter but it actually does look more like Darth Mauls thumb. Wouldn't get it again but Darth Vader looks pretty badass on the cover doesn't he?

  2. I've seen that cereal at the store, but my force was strong enough to resist.

    I'm sorry you ended up with more water damage at your house. That really stinks.

    This weekend was too short here too. I think maybe they're getting shorter, someone should look into that.

  3. I am not a Star Wars person. (I know, I know, that's unAmerican. lol) My oldest, 26, is getting married in a couple weeks. She informed me yesterday that she's not going to have the bridal march song as she walks down the aisle. She's going to have the entire wedding party walk up the aisle to the Star Wars theme. lol Heaven help us! Did I mention she and her fiance are avid divers and that the wedding has a beach theme? Garter has a starfish. Decorations have sand and shells for the centerpieces. She tells me she needs two matching two-liter bottles for the ring bearer. Huh? Those will be the "tanks" and he will be in scuba gear. The flower girl will be (what else?) a mermaid. It's gonna be interesting!

  4. I officially ran out of effs to give over Star Wars when I saw a commercial for Star Wars makeup. Not costume makeup to be a character, just plain old Cover Girl (I think that was the brand, I was laughing so hard I couldn't hear the commercial anymore). Totally made me think of Spaceballs.

  5. I had a crap weekend on the home front so I'm glad it's over. Spent the day Saturday at mom's house with the dogs and that was nice. Didn't get much accomplished so I'm kind of behind the eight ball this week. I am meeting a couple of friends for dinner tonight which will be nice. And I did manage to get through A LOT of paperwork, so I'm feeling pretty good about that.

  6. I'm behind on reading, but it's pretty safe for me to say that the past several weekends were spent either being sick or dealing with sick people. So time were had. ;-)


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