
Thursday, August 14, 2014

Window Retail Therapy and Fall awaits!

Is it Friday yet?  


Well, pfft!!

The Mr and I did a little retail window therapy the other day.  I think what I love most is that without question he heads straight for the stores he knows I require for happiness.


Sur La Table...

and Pottery Barn.

I was more than excited to see the appearance of ghost white pumpkin tureens or orange pumpkin pillows and napkins at a few stores.  I'm so ready for Fall.  I'm ready to start baking pumpkin everything.  I'm ready for crisp air and fuzzy socks and Trader Joe's spiced apple cider.  (Note to self:  Buy about 6 jugs of it because they yank it right at the peak of cider season every time.  Bastardos!)

For exercise, I hit the HRM and then proceeded to gripe about idiots for 30 minutes.  When I did my split and restarted, we did 45 minutes of Turbo Fire 45 and burned 1050 calories.

Dinner was a bbq salmon burger with grilled pineapple, half of a grilled cinnamon maple sweet potato and a side of Brussels with half a strip of bacon crumbled and half an ounce of balsamic cheddar.

I'm finding myself really loving sweet potatoes lately.  Funny, considering I HATED them as a kid.  My mom makes sweet potato casserole at Thanksgiving and while old me would've loved how sugary sweet it is, I'm learning to appreciate a sprinkle of nutmeg, cinnamon and 1 tbsp of light maple syrup for sweetness on top and it tastes decadent but totally satisfying.  I see many sweet taters in our Fall future.

And chili.

And pumpkin pancakes every other Sunday.

And roasted root vegetables.

And homemade soup.

And finally trying my hand at grandma's noodles and trying not to turn them into dumplings.

And being okay with it if they do turn into dumpling because chicken and dumplings = yum!

Okay, I'll stop now.

Are you ready for Fall?  

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  1. I guess I just know the stores you like and don't mind making sure you get to see them. I know if there were more stores of my type out there you'd go along with me to see them. I am ready for fall. Bring on the pumpkins and chili!

    1. Well, I appreciate it. I wish there were more electronics and computer stores for you that didn't require them approaching like sleazy used car dealers the second you walk in the door. Or talk to you like you're an 80 year old that has never owned a computer or TV. LOL I'm going to start perusing pumpkin recipes and see what my first recipe will be! :-)

  2. I <3<3<3<3 fall!
    The smell of the air, apple cider, apple cider donuts, apple picking, the cooler weather. Fall is my favorite time of year. The colors, the sounds, the ability to wear jeans without dying of heat. I'm not huge on pumpkin but I did make pumpkin cupcakes last fall that I really enjoyed - from Deb at smitten if you're interested.

    OOO! This is from Andy at, you might like it.
    ^some of her other recipes have nutritional info btw, she's lost over 100+ pounds too. Her buffalo chicken rolls and the BBQ version are good! I've even adapted them further with turkey and cranberry BBQ sauce.... So good.

    1. Apple cider donuts rock. I made this apple cider cake the year before last that was foodgasmic. I need to make that again this year because my life just isn't complete without it. Jeans in cool weather is quite welcome since jeans in the summer kind of sucks but these legs are never seeing the light of day!

  3. I call it "Fallishness"--It's like this craving for all things fall in the middle of August while here in Georgia it's still hitting 90 degrees some days. Once I start pumpkinating in Sept. (I try to hold out that long), I eventually burn out on pumpkin. But apples too, sustain me...and fuzzy socks.

    1. I love it!! Great catch phrase. I want to try to get my hands on some Northern Spy apples this year. We got some in MI and those are by far the BEST baking apple and they last for like a month or so while you figure out all of the wonderful things you're going to bake with them! WOOT!

  4. Fall means back to school, so um... NO I most decidedly am not ready. But, as I am already back to work I suppose I have to deal with it anyway and the cooler temperatures do make it easier to wear professional clothes and not melt. I do like pumpkin and apple everything, fall spices, and Halloween so even if I'm not exactly ready, I'll get over it.

    1. Hey girl, you got the summer off! ;-)

      You need a good pumpkin cookie and apple cider to get you in the spirit!

  5. What is this balsamic cheddar of which you speak??

    ps givin' extreme side eye to all you pumpkin lovin' autumn rushers this year. And it doesn't help that the temps and have dropped and I was tempted to turn on the heat in my car this mornin. Can a sista just chill at the beach for now? Forever? waaaaahhhh

    1. Sartori Bellavintano Balsamic Cheddar is the full name. Here's a description: "Created by the master cheesemakers at Sartori in Plymouth, Wisconsin, who use time-honored techniques and the highest quality milk. The Bellavitano style, unique to Wisconsin, features a rich and creamy texture with a great, cravable taste reminiscent of an aged, premium Cheddar balanced by a full flavored Parmesan." Yes please! We discovered it in Carmel and thought we'd never have it again but found it by chance and now it's my favorite go to for a quick shred with a TON of flavor. So good!

      It's called Florida, Hawaii or California, move there for forever summers and let the rest of us pumpkin freaks have our seasons. HA!

    2. that cheese sounds good!

      the apple cider donuts mentioned above just may sway my fall aversion!

  6. I LURVE Fall, but coming from a part of the country that doesn't get much summer, I'm not QUITE ready for Fall just yet. We've had a few brisk mornings and I wanted to cry a little. I need a little more sunshine!

    1. That's what vacations to hot locales are for! There's always time. Just go in the middle of a cruddy winter. ;-)

  7. I'm beyond ready for fall! This is the time of year that I have to fight the urge to say Screw you, Summer - I'm declaring it Fall even though it is 112 degrees outside! LOL

    1. Yeah, I would declare it Fall then as well! Holy poo!! I hear we're supposed to have a cooler September...I hope it stretches out to you guys as well!

  8. I'm a huge fan of Sur La Table because they almost always have copper stuff and that's in my kitchen. I am SO ready for fall--my favorite time of year hands down. I've used my crockpot throughout the summer, but am really looking forward to trying new soups that I've been perusing these past couple of months. I'm really looking forward to walking my pups at the park around the lake and hanging out in the gazebos surrounded in fall colors. I'm not a summer gal at all because I'm fat and sweat constantly, but I have to say we have been so blessed with a lovely August so far. I've had the windows open more times this month because it's so cool out at night time. That will probably change next week, but even I can't complain about the summer weather this year.

  9. I'm so ready for fall!!!! I'm going camping the last weekend in September and I can hardly wait! It's so funny how the three stores you mentioned are stores I've mentally banned myself from (until I'm not such a broke ass college kid) lol! Missed reading your blogs, I forgot how awesome it is! How could I?


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