
Thursday, July 17, 2014

Summer scenery and girl crushes

This was supposed to be active recovery week, right?

We've been trading off between walks and yoga to stretch impossibly tight hammies and IT bands which has left us feeling like hobbly old people.  I keep telling myself it'll be worth it.  I do notice I slacked on my ankle massages though so I've got to get back to that.  

Yeesh, so many balls in the air with this stuff.

But, we've been enjoying some yummy meals...

...and enjoying the scenery of summah.

Echinacea, I think?

The local crew team practicing

Two chihuahuas being chauffeured via sports trike

Last night after yoga, we enjoyed an old guilty pleasure of mine...Weekend at Bernie's.  I had a big ol' girl crush on Catherine Mary Stewart.

How cute is she?  I remember wishing I looked like her back in the day.  She seemed like the quintessential girl next door.  She was also good as Maggie in another guilty pleasure of mine, The Last Starfighter.  I could not BELIEVE the Mr never saw it back in the day as it was right up his alley.  That one is coming up on the watch list soon as well.

What summer activities have you been enjoying?  Did you ever have a celeb girl crush?  (Man crush for the guys)

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  1. That was funny watching that woman with the dogs go by. The dogs were well behaved but looked like they really wanted someone to free them from their little basket cages.

    It was a good walk and I am glad we did that. The yoga is really messing with my legs. I mean, they need it because my flexibility is bad but man does it hurt!

    I forgot about Catherine Mary Stewart until we started watching Weekend At Bernie's. We definitely have to watch The Last Starfighter again. That movie did slip by my radar as a kid but it is arguably one of the first good examples of CGI and yet in the mid 80's before anyone was doing that. It was ahead of its time by a large margin.

    1. That was funny and the dogs just kinda looked like "eh, it makes her happy." No offense but your flexibility is HORRIBLE. Even with as bad as my legs are as a whole, I can at least bend forward and cross my legs. LOL I know yoga sucks a little but I don't want to be a crunchy old lady and you a crunchy old man. ;-)

      Yes, that movie was really good. I think Dad rented it back in the day and for some reason I really loved it even though SciFi wasn't really my genre.

  2. You are correct, that is Echinacea--I have some in my front flower bed. I never saw the Last Starfighter either--don't even remember it being out! Did see Weekend though--back in the day... Have a great week!

    1. Yay for something sticking in my brain! So pretty! Last Starfighter was pretty dwarfed by Star Wars and they wanted something competitive with the series apparently. It didn't quite catch on but seriously underrated. So glad to see you! :-)

  3. So many girl crushes over the years....As a girl I loved Shelly Fabares, who was the older daughter on the Donna Reed Show. That was part of the FIRST "Must See" Thursday Night TV line-up (along with the irrepressible Ricky Nelson), back in the 60's. I even wrote Miss Fabares a fan letter and she sent me an autographed picture. I bought her record, "Johnny Angel," and I'd listen to it now, if it was ever on the radio. I probably have that old '45' somewhere, but no record player to play it on. I'm showing my age here.....

    1. Shelly was a beautiful lady. I remember her from Coach but I've seen pics of her back in the day and she was quite the hottie! :-) You should get one of those turntables that converts your vinyl to digital so you don't lose those great tracks. (Of course vinyl's back so you've got an excuse!)

  4. Jamie Lee Curtis in True Lies and a Fish Called Wanda, she was so gorgeous. Still is! I've never seen Weekend but did see Last Star Fighter- I guess since I picked Jamie Lee I never did want to look like the girl next door?

    1. I think she was such a good strong character in those movies she would definitely be a good pic. I thought she looked adorable in My Girl and again, another strong character. I think she tends to pick those parts. OMG, I didn't think anyone else ever saw Starfighter!! HA!

  5. The Last Starfighter sounds right up my alley, but I missed it along with your Mr. I wonder how that happened? I'll have to keep an eye out on Netflix and bargain bins.

    I had crushes on some actor boys of course but girl crushes... I'd have to say Molly Ringwald is the first one to pop into my head. Later on probably Shannen Doherty (despite her rep, I've always loved watching movies with her in them), and Alyssa Milano (funny how two of them that I loved on other shows ended up on the same show together) and more recently Amy Acker, Eliza Dushku, and Jessica Alba.

    1. You would love The Last Starfighter! It looks like it's on Netflix! ;-)

      Definitely Molly Ringwald. Particularly in Sixteen Candles for me. Now I'm going to go look up Amy Acker.

  6. I'd say Sela Ward from "Sisters" was my girl crush because I thought (and still think to this day) that she had the most beautiful smile of any woman I've ever seen and the most perfect eyebrows. Her face was just stunning in my opinion. Funny your brought up Weekend and Bernie's because I had the biggest crush on Andrew McCarthy when I was a young, disturbed girl--lol!!

    1. Ooh yeah, she was very pretty. A classic beauty for sure. Are you kidding me? Blane!? I think you probably weren't alone on that one!


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