
Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Oh yeah...that.

So you know how you get this bright idea to rip up the floors and carpet and then you look in your garage and see this?

Oh yeah...that.

Kind of totally forgot about the whole construction debris issue.  So after trying to set up with a local hauler where they will only give you a quote once they see what you have to get rid of, we had to get creative.  Enter the Bagster Dumpster in a Bag .  (affiliate link) 

It got good reviews on Home so I was all for it.  It's $30 for the bag there but if we had more time, we would've ordered it through the link at Amazon above since it's under $27 there.  Every buck counts, yo.  So we set it up in front of the garage and put the heaviest items on the bottom as it instructs being careful to make sure the straps the crane needs to lift it are on the outside.

We drug that unwieldy beast back into the garage because we didn't trust that other people wouldn't dump their own crap in there overnight and cause us issues.  So we filled it up, scheduled our appointment and we'll hopefully get it all out of our hair by the end of the day.

Of course it figures, they scheduled to paint the outside of our house today as well so hopefully everyone will play nice and we can get this taken care of.

How much is it to haul away?  Well, in our area, it's $119 (RetailMeNot has a $5 off coupon which I used.  Not much again, every buck counts)  So figure $150 for haul away but if you don't have a better option like us then it is something you'll need to figure into your budget.  (I wish we'd even entertained the idea of haul away)

We do have a back up option with bulk pick up for the carpet rolls but getting rid of the flooring would be interesting.  But please keep your fingers crossed there are no issues.  I'll update tomorrow!  :-)

Do you budget for haul away on home projects or do you totally forget until your garage is clogged up?

(This post contains an affiliate link.  Should you choose to buy through it, I will get a few cents to keep the blog lights on.)
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  1. That huge mess was on the back of my mind the entire time that we were doing the floors. It's like you know there is going to be trash to get rid of but since we weren't expecting to remove that extra flooring material in the kitchen it didn't really dawn on me that we'd have much more than just the carpet and the old laminate from the kitchen. This offered up a solution that made me feel a lot better about dealing with the aftermath of a remodel so I hope it works out. It wasn't so much that I needed to have the garage back, it's just that so many times you see people start with a big mess like that in the garage and the next thing you know the garage is never used as a garage again or the house ends up on an episode of hoarders or something. It's a slippery slope!

    1. Yeah, it's like we thought ahead and scheduled the bulk pick up for the carpet but the laminate and luan/vinyl were a little more bulky than I anticipated. We should've cut it with his circular saw for a "just in case". REALLY hoping this works out today...the busiest day in the 'hood with painters, landscapers and waiting for a big ass truck to come in and take our debris. This is just par for the course for us though. Nothing ever seems to just be easy or without extra obstacles.

  2. Luckily for me, our town has "Residential Cleanup Week" four times a year. They will come and take this type of garbage/debris, for free, as long as it's "appropriately" bundled/tied/bagged. That appropriateness depends entirely on their interpretation! There's been a few times where they wouldn't take something. So we had to be creative on how we bagged it. Only problem we have is if you do a reno and have to wait a couple months for clean up week, what do you do with it all! Finding a contractor to take it is nearly impossible, unless they were the ones to actually do the reno, and if we went to the Waste Management Site we have to pay to leave it, by weight! It's true, nothing is ever just easy, something always pops up! Looking forward to seeing it when it's completed!

    1. That would be awesome if our area had such a thing. You're lucky! I wasn't thrilled that we had the extra expense but I'd be less thrilled to figure out how to get that flooring all cut up.

  3. We used the Bagster very recently, to get rid of debris that had accumulated in our back yard from a hurricane, plus an old shed and it's contents that the previous owner left. We used two bagsters - filled those puppies up to over-flowing - and then scheduled the pick-up online. They were there in the time they promised and the bagsters and all that crap were GONE! Love it. Worked perfectly.

    1. So glad to hear you had a good experience with them! Isn't it great to be able to have a solution when you have that much garbage that your regular trash company won't take?

  4. We rent an extra "special" trash can for $1 a month, most weeks we don't even fill a whole one, but when we do have overflow most of the time a couple weeks of cramming both cans full is enough. Plus my parents have a utility trailer that they have no place for so we store it in the back yard and anything that's too big for the cans we put in the trailer and take a run to the dump once a year or so. It's not as convenient as it used to be though because now you have to take a utility bill to prove you're a county resident and I think you have to pay now where it used to be free. Those bagsters look like a great alternative though, and something I would definitely consider if we ever have a need.

  5. For some reason, we've lucked out in that area because our garbage company will take anything. Where I used to live with my mom there were only certain days during the year that you could throw out either big items like appliances or furniture. But by us, you can put out as much as you want. With all roof damage people got from the hail storms, there's a lot of roofing supplies at people's curbs. Now across the road from us they are considering "county" and they have different garbage service and there's more restrictions (but they have really nice huge lidded bins than we don't get).

    1. I wish our garbage dudes took anything. This was an expensive option but unfortunately the only one we had.


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