
Thursday, March 27, 2014

Hometown fever and survey time

I don't know why I'm looking forward to the weekend so much, it looks like we're going to have more snow again Saturday, thereby squashing any chance of a road trip.  I'm getting hometown fever.  I need to roam the land for hours on end, invade a new town and return so late we have no choice but to collapse into bed.  I miss those days.

Dinner was lemon pepper pasta alfredo with blackened mahi mahi and green beans.  It was quite good and we both agreed we liked the addition of the mahi.  (I'll usually use shrimp or chicken if we decide to add some protein.)

Last night we did one of Fitness Blender's kettlebell workouts.  My God man, my back is killing me between the deadlifts and constant swings.  But it's a great workout and by 40 minutes we were done and I had 620 calories burned off my booty.  I'll have to foam roll out some kinks.

Speaking of kinks, the new bed seems to be working out well.  It's still not quite as cloud soft as I prefer but it's a big improvement over the foamy concrete block we were sleeping on before.  As of yet, we have not yet gotten our credit back on the card.  We're giving it until the end of today before we call the manager at the place we bought it and start badgering him to put the final nail in the coffin of that idiot experience.  So far, so good.

You know, I was thinking (I know...miracle), you guys know our fitness/eating habits but I don't know much about yours!  So I thought it would be fun to do a survey!  It's anonymous so answer honestly.  :-)

Create your free online surveys with SurveyMonkey , the world's leading questionnaire tool.

Are you getting hometown/cabin fever?

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  1. It must be something with the time of year but I too am getting the itch to visit the old hometown. I wish my was as close as yours though, but then again that would be a bad thing because I would need to get my old favorite pizza and donuts much more than I can now.

    1. We'd need to make some room in the freezer for those but yeah, I could go for some deep dish! :-)

  2. I'm definitely getting cabin fever. I so want to be out and about, but the weather just hasn't really cooperated. I'm hoping this weekend will give me a break and a chance to get out.

    1. If you get out, enjoy it for us! Looks like I'll be collecting more snow cone supplies!

  3. In NC, we've gotten 2-3 days of cold weather, followed by a peak of a day or two in the 70's, followed by another drop to freezing. Its so annoying because its like, the world gives you this beautiful sneak peek of whats to come, and just when you really enjoy walking around barefoot and opening the screen porch door up all day - they take it away. ARG!
    As to the survey, I dont know what is up with me lately. I've had some stress at home, which caused me to put back on the ten pounds i had lost 2 years ago and held steady at. (which is really frustrating). On top of that, I went back to school 2 years ago, and have hit the last semester which has really taken a toll on my schedule. The beginning it was either hybrid or online or at least only one seated class, but this semester is the first with two seated classes. So its working 5 days a week. from 7-4 or so, then class 2 nights a week from 530-9pm, it really has screwed up my schedule! Five more weeks of that crap and I'll be done and ready to get back into dedicating those hours to workout time.

    1. Mother Nature is quite the tease, isn't she?

      That is quite the schedule! I hope things ease up at home for you and maybe you can find a way to get in even 10-15 minutes of exercise per day to help with the stress and the work on the weight when school is over. Take care of yourself! Stress is a buggah!

  4. I definitely have hometown fever and can't wait for the weather to break -- desperately in need of some warmth and new adventures! This winter has been crazy. I don't know a soul who hasn't been affected by it, and we're all desperate for spring!

    1. Yeah it seems all parts of the country have been affected in one way or another. Hopefully the weather will quit with the tomfoolery and let us all get out and enjoy some sunshine a mild temps!

  5. I'm anxious to be able to walk the dogs again at the parks. They've been to the dog park one time this year and the hubs just took them for a long walk down by the river last Friday, but that's it. I miss those outdoor walks! I'll be taking one walk at lunchtime during work and then again after work to a different park. If the dogs have already gone to the dog park that day, I'll walk by myself. If they haven't then I'll bring them with me and the hubs when he wants to. I don't mind those walks by myself the peace and quiet and enjoy really taking the in scenery. Clears the old noggin out. =o)

    1. Yes, there's nothing nicer than being able to walk outside and be alone with your thoughts. Doggies or not. ;-)


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