
Thursday, February 6, 2014

Shoe fly shoe

The other day's snowstorm left us with 7" of snow and a hankerin' for a hooky day.  So in an effort to carpe diem, we braved the level 2 snow emergency and went shoeing.  The Mr was hoping to cross country ski but given the delightful 1/2" of ice that froze on top of the powder, that would've ruined them.

So he opted for the snow shoes.

The ice makes it so that laziness is not an option.  You have to lift your knees high or the metal spike will trip you up or if you don't poke through and try to glide on top, your shoe will fly out from under you.  So my already hurting hips were thankfully well numbed from ibuprofen and today should be interesting.  But we always jump at any chance to get out in the snow since I need a minimum of 4" of powder to be able to go out.  It was nippy but we always like to get out in nature.  We would look at different tracks and try to identify them...

The ice may not be so great on the roads but it sure is beautiful on the trees!

The extra part of the loop trail was untouched so we made our crunchy tracks.

It was a nice day and when we got home, the Mr dug out my car and I shoveled the sidewalk and driveway.  So I got in a nice 1150 calorie burn between the two!

We've got a few more storms lining up for the next week and we can't wait.  It makes for a fun day and some good shave ice...

Have you played in the snow lately? 

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  1. It was great to get out in it again. Definitely much harder with country snow but still fun and a great workout. I know everyone is sick of snow but I hope we get one more good one so I can cross country ski one more time this year!

    1. I'm pretty sure you meant crunchy snow since we're not in the country. LOL It definitely was and I'd love to be able to get out once or twice more. (I know we can't push it, we seem to be lucky to get 2-3 outings per season) Oh, everyone bitches about the snow when there's three flakes on the ground. It's winter, get over it or move to a warm weather climate. Instead of griping about the snow, people need to get out in it and PLAY! It's all about attitude.

  2. So far all we've been doing with the snow is shoveling it. But we a foot of it yesterday which means there will be enough still around this weekend to go snow shoeing. I can't wait!

    1. I wonder if I'm the only one who likes snow shoveling for the extra calories it burns? :-) I hope you get a chance to go out and shoe! Such a nice change of pace from the usual workouts!

  3. We finally got some snow this week so that was pretty cool. We actually had a snow day yesterday but it was just too cold to play outside. It was hovering right around 0 with wind chills of -14 to -28. I'm hoping the snow will stick around into the weekend so we can actually enjoy it.

    1. That's the only bad part is some of the weather has been too cold to get outside to play in. We lucked out and it hovered close to 30 yesterday but it's plunged since. I love the snow but anything in single digits can take a hike because then I can't go outside to enjoy it.

  4. We have had absolutely NO snow to speak the answer to the question is an emphatic, and sad, no.

    BUT I am so glad you and the Mr. are able to get back to your winter activities that you've missed the past several years!

    1. Boo for no snow. But I know you guys are under a big drought. Hoping for some snow caps soon!

      I'll enjoy it for the both of us! :-)


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