
Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Product Review: Mrs Dash Salt Free Taco Seasoning Mix

When we were first married, tacos were in a decent rotation.  

I loved tacos.  

So did the Mr.

As we began to watch our health, tacos took a backseat because as we know, pretty much every taco seasoning out there is loaded with sodium, even the lower sodium versions.  I even tried making my own version and while it was good, it never really hit the same notes the packaged versions that I grew up on did. When I spied that the awesome folks at Mrs Dash had a salt free version.  I was ALL over it to give it a go.

As you can see, no sodium...a major plus!

Upon opening the packet, I instantly got that whiff of familiar taco seasoning scent that I have been missing for so long.

I decided I was going to put it to a stringent test...ground turkey.  We all know that while ground chicken and turkey breast are great alternatives to red meat that they can also be dry and somewhat flavorless.  So I browned up my ground turkey...

Then it was time to add 3/4 cup water and the packet of Mrs Dash taco seasoning.

I turned it down to low and stirred until it all came together.

I had some scallions on their last legs and I decided to cut them up and add them to the fiesta.

The verdict?

I'm in love.

I can add old school tacos back into the rotation without worrying about bloating up like a balloon the next morning!  It gave the ground turkey so much flavor and a nice little kick.  Top it with some lettuce and maybe onions or your favorite low cal taco fixin's and it's time to chow down!


(I am in no way affiliated with Mrs Dash but I use it ALL the time.  Hello Fiesta Lime all over my potato wedges!  I just reviewed this because I'm cool like dat)
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  1. This was definitely an awesome find! So glad they came out with this and I cannot believe it is salt free. It was a real treat to have tacos back with full flavor and just as you mentioned it did have a nice spicy kick to it. I highly recommend this for anyone wanting to get that taco fix without the high sodium typically associated with it.

    1. Yeah, I'm definitely getting this again and I think I saw they had fajita (pronounced ala Steve Byrne) mix too so I'm going to pick that up too! YUM!

  2. I saw that too when I was looking for taco seasoning!
    I couldn't believe I had to add the ENTIRE packet and I wasn't sure if it was right or not. So I just made my own and did it that way lol
    I might pick some up because I do like Mrs Dash

    1. Hmm, the ones I've seen in the past, you always had to add the whole thing. But it's been so long that I could be remembering it wrong.

      Split in two, it's an extra 60 calories and even less if you're splitting it 3-4 ways so it's nothing a couple of squats while preparing the meal wouldn't work off. ;-) I just made sure I had a low cal veggie with it to balance out the extra calories of the mix.

  3. The taco seasoning packets always say to add the whole thing, but I usually make do with 1/3 to 1/2 and with ground beef it's enough. Ground turkey needs a bit more. I will be definitely looking for this one next trip to the store.

    1. Okay, that's what I thought but I couldn't remember. I think with beef you could definitely get away with half but with something like turkey or chicken, I think it needs at least 3/4 of the packet or the whole thing to counteract the drier texture. It was soooo good!

  4. I'm totally going to give this a whirl! I hope I can find it in Canada...

    1. I hope you can too! I couldn't really taste a difference between this and old school seasoning though I suspect I would think the old school stuff would be much saltier to my adjusted palate. It'd be perfect for a Mexican casserole or something too. Ooooh...

  5. Oh thanks! This is good to know. I've been thinking about making my own. I've also been into fish tacos latley. They are a good alternative but sometimes you just want the 'regular' kind.

    1. You could easily get away with using 1/4 to 1/3 of the packet for fish tacos but yeah, for the regular kind, this is quite good!

  6. Mmmmm. I have not heard of this fiesta lime. I may have to check it out!

    1. OMG, I can't live without the stuff! Sprinkle it on potato wedges, fish of any kind, veggies. It's sooo delish!

  7. On another note, I think the key to making your own is to make sure your spices are fresh, and get cumin seeds then ground them yourselves. I think the packets they sell the pre-mixed stuff in do a better job of protecting spice flavors than the 2 year old jar most of us have sitting in our cabinets.

    1. You're right. I'm sure it is much fresher in the packet for most people. I have an entire cabinet dedicated to spices/herbs. I use them quite liberally. Trader Joe's and Penzey's have some of the best spices I've ever used!

  8. If you endorse it, I know it must be good!! So going to look for this at the grocery store...

  9. I'll gladly give this a try--the hubs loves tacos and I'd be able to eat these! Thanks for the great tip!

  10. Yay! I have a coupon for this but was wondering if it was worth it :)

  11. So I finally made tacos with this last night after your recommendation. It's delicious! I didn't even tell my husband that it was a new kind or that it was salt-free and I waited for his reaction. He starts eating and says "Yum! I love when you make tacos. They are always so delicious." Then I told him they were salt-free and he was surprised and said he couldn't tell. I agree. They were good!


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