
Thursday, January 2, 2014

Why is it seriously this hard for me?

It's pretty sad when you celebrate downing an entire 36 ounce bottle of water.

Last night I chugged my last bit and looked at it like "wow, I don't remember the last time I finished one of those in the past month."  Water has never been my strong suit to begin with but I could usually get in 1 1/2 of those each day if I was really trying in addition to my tea I drink with meals.  Even the tea front has suffered the past month.  I don't know what it is that when I eat like crap, I also drink like I'm on an island trying to conserve my canteen or something when I need it most.

I always make these promises of "I'm going to drink more water" and sometimes I keep them and sometimes I don't.  I need to get serious about it because I am retaining, retaining, RE-TAIN-ING!!!!

I need to play my water game.  When I go to take a sip I tell myself I have to chug six times before I can put it down.  If I do that, it doesn't take much time at all to get it down, especially by lunchtime.  If I don't.  I take one or two sips then I don't pick it up for three hours and take another sip or two.

My goal is going to be to have the Mr have to refill my water bottle before we go down for workouts instead of add a few ice cubes and suddenly my water level is back up to the top because I've barely touched it all day.  You'd think I'd be good at this by now but here I am, making another water post almost a year later.  Oy...predictable

Does your water intake need some tweaking?

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  1. I usually try to finish my first 32 oz with lunch so that I can take a break at work and fill it up again. Then I need to finish that second bottle by the time I leave work. At home I try to get finished with bottle #3 with dinner and then if I am doing good I will get a 4th one in by 10:30. 10:30 is my cut off no matter what or else I will be up several times during the night.

    1. Okay freak of nature, this is why you pee like a race horse. :-P I have no desire to get in 130ish ounces just light yellow wee which I can accomplish with 1 to 1 1/2 of these plus my tea. That makes my bladder hurt just thinking about drinking that much.

  2. I drink 6ish Nalgenes a day (the litre ones but I fill it past the lines lol)
    I get headaches if I don't drink enough water

    1. Yeah I fill past the lines too. Mine is a 32 ouncer but I can get 36 if I fill it to the brim! :-)

  3. I have a 64oz cup from the convenience store. I drink about 2-3 a day. And I also drink about 2 32oz cups of iced tea. But ever since I was little I have drank a lot. I drink more during the summer time, especially if I'm walking or running outside.

  4. Lately I've been doing a little better with my water. I am not a drinker. At a restaurant, when others are repeatedly having their drinks refilled, I never get a single refill, because one glassful is plenty for me, and I usually don't drink all of that. I was big into Diet Squirt Pop for the last several years, then thought maybe that aspartame was causing my stomach cramps, gave it up last month, and went back to water. That's where I'm at now, and while I'm not getting as much water as so many people recommend, I figure some water has got to be better for me than diet pop/soda, so whatever I can get down is good.

    Today is the first day of the rest of my life (again). I threw out all the tempting Christmas left-overs this morning, and am ready to get back on track. I may even start tracking my food intake on Spark again. I know what works....and that worked for me. Good luck to me, my son (who's trying to lose weight with me), you and the Mr. in 2014.

    1. When we're at a restaurant, we only order water now. The Mr always says he's uncomfortable ordering it because he gets a vibe from the server like "oh great, I get stiffed because you're cheap!" I try to take the lead on that from now on and when they ask about drinks I'll say "I'll start with water for now" then the Mr will agree so there's the potential for it in their eyes. I try to drink enough to get refills but oddly I think I drink more water when there are other people with us because I need something to do with my hands.

      Good on ya for throwing out the crap today and Happy Birthday! :-)

    2. Oh yeah--water at restaurants--always! Pop is so expensive and I don't drink enough to take advantage of those free refills. But last night--at the Mexican restaurant--celebrating my 63rd BD--it was Margaritaville!

    3. Pop is very expensive at restaurants! I feel the same as the Mr since I used to be a server and had those same feelings about people being cheap, but now I do the same thing and say, "I'll start with water". It's funny though - I drink water for health, my husband gets it because he's cheap! lol.

  5. I'm sporadic on my water. I try for 2 32-oz bottles a day at work, and then a third when I get home. During the summer or if I'm doing heavy workouts it's not unusual for me to drink 4 bottles full. When I'm off work during the winter though my water slacks - Christmas break this year there have been a few days that I think I took my vitamins with water and that's it.

    Yesterday I managed 3 bottles - so yay for me. That's the goal again today.

    1. I hope you reach your goal again today! I'm 3/4 of the way done with mine so it looks like I'll reach my goal too!

  6. I do need to work on this. I am amazed how some people drink more than a gallon of water a day. I am just not that thirsty! I have to force myself to drink more, and I am in the bathroom ALL day. It's so annoying. I really don't believe that we need to drink tons of water, but I do try to stay hydrated. Even Jillian Michaels says that the 8 glasses of water a day is just a guideline and it's not true for everyone. I don't always feel like I need that much. She says to drink until your pee is lemonade colored, and that if it's clear you're actually drinking too much. If it's apple juice colored, then you're not drinking enough.

    1. Oh I know! When I'm doing well I suppose I might be close to a gallon but I really have to push myself and it's not all pure water. (But yes, I'm one of those people who count tea toward their water count as a total) I've heard those color guidelines before and I try to basically follow that as a rule. Let's just say the last few weeks I've seen "apple cider" color more often than I should. :-\

  7. I really pee a lot as it is and 8 cups of water is also alot for me.
    i do wish though That i can ditch the soda and start chugging thr h2o more

    1. You can cut back just one soda a day for a few weeks and try to keep cutting back until you are drinking all water or just one soda a day. I know it can be hard for people who drink it often. We used to drink a 2 liter every weekend and somehow we just ended up cutting it out without trying. Now when I drink it, the carbonation really messes me up. :-\

  8. Oh yes, water is my nemesis. When I'm on my game, I drink 80 ounces a day. But, I've been a terrible slacker, especially over the holidays. I have a love/hate relationship with Diet Coke, but I know it's terrible for me. Thanks for the reminder and for being honest about how difficult it can be.

    1. What is it about the holidays? It's not like I even replaced it with other stuff either, I just stop drinking it. Do what you can to cut back on the Diet Coke. It doesn't have to be all or nothing but it can't hurt to cut back a little. ;-)

  9. I have really been struggling with this. Like you, when I don't drink water I am usually not drinking anything at all. I can go all day at work without anything. I have to figure out a way to get on a schedule.

    1. I know, it's like some days I'll look at the water bottle and go "crap, I haven't touched it and it's 4pm." Today I forced down the bottle and I don't know if I can force another one down but I know I can force the half with a workout. Maybe you can try my trick of chugging a certain amount of times. Or you could set a mail alert to go off every hour so you can drink then. I think I tried that for a time and it worked. You just have to keep up with it, like I obviously didn't. Grrr!

  10. Do you find that doing poorly on drinking your water increases muscle cramps??? I'm having quite the issue with those lately and was trying to determine if it is due to dehydration or potassium or whatever.... Am I just a freak of nature ??? :)

    1. Hmm, I've never had a problem with it but I have heard that can happen. Might not be a bad idea to increase your water for a week or two and see if it makes a difference. Hope it gets better!

  11. I don't really track my water intake. I've never felt like it's been an issue. I like water and sometimes I LOVE just chugging it down. Other times I need a little bit of flavor (some fruit punchness) ... I usually am a bit thirsty after a workout (and I do several mini-workouts throughout the day, so there is quite a bit of motivation to drink). I have a couple pills (my thyroid medication, vitamin, etc) that require me to drink. It wasn't until I got sick a couple weeks ago and had ZERO desire/ability to drink that I ever even thought about it too much (I know I was dehydrated that week and it sure took a while to re-stabilize after that ... just watching the most basic signs, color of pee and cracked lips).


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