
Thursday, October 3, 2013

Feeding the beast

After last night's workout, which wasn't a hard one at all, I was ravenous.  I fixed a pork chop and brussels for dinner and about 30 minutes after we ate, I was hungry again.  I have my calories planned out meticulously for the week and there was no room for feeding the beast an extra snack after our evening nosh of sugar free old favorite but now rare treat.

I desperately wanted some light kettle corn.  110 calories, full of fiber and not so far over the edge that it couldn't be worked in.

No.  Must stay strong.

I will not think of the buy one, get one free ice cream cone offer I have printed out for the weekend or the fact it's buy one get one free sundae day. cream.

No.  Stop thinking.

La, la, la.  

We have 2 extra apples.  Nutritious, delicious, need to be eaten.  Another 100 calories.

*defeated sigh*

Green tea.  3 calories, filling, warm in the tummy.

So proud of our decision not to eat the pantry.

Looks so cute all hot and cozy served up in my Arcade Restaurant mug from Memphis.
They have the best sweet potato pancakes...

...with syrup

...and a piece of bacon to have the savory cut the sweet.


How do you deal with beastly cravings?

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  1. This is exactly what the struggle is about. It's tough to be hungry and not be able to just "go to town" like we used to, but when you figure out that some tea is all you need to feel better then it really makes it easier and I don't feel like I missed out on anything at all. I have been very disciplined this week and I have no intention of screwing that up!

    1. In the old days we would just grabbed a bowl of cereal...our "go to." Problem is, we never measured, probably had 2 1/2 to 3 servings of cereal so anywhere from an extra 300-600 calories depending. I've noticed you've been tracking this week...proud of you!

  2. If I was legitimately hungry. Like TRUE hunger, I would have gone over my calories a wee bit just to make the hunger go away. So, up to 100 calories. That apple would have been chomped (or a small glass of milk for a bit less calories).

    I wish I had your willpower (and that I liked hot drinks!). But I've been working on learning and listening to my hunger cues, so feeding my body when it actually needs it ("true hunger") is a big deal for me right now. I have always been a boredom eater so learning a bit of intuitive eating is needed.

    1. I would eat if it was true hunger but we just ate was pure psychology. It was confirmed when after I said it out loud, the Mr said he was hungry 30 minutes later. Knowing we were both on the wrong road mentally, I got up and made us some tea. I can do hot drinks any time of year particularly at night. It's not gross hot out and can make me sleepy. Our snack tonight is hot chocolate and it's supposed to be 83 today. :-)

  3. I was doing really well for a while there, but the last few weeks I've fallen back into bad habits (like not only feeding the beast, but feeding her chocolate). I need to relearn the art of being hungry, that it's ok to be a little hungry. This winter I will try teas but during the summer it's just too hot for that.

    1. Dark chocolate every once in a while is okay for the flavonoids but yeah if it's an every night thing, that could be a slippery slope. ;-) There are some things I just can't keep in the house because I know I will obsess over them. For me it's candy corn or Sweet Tart Gummies. I try to buy them in small quantities if I do buy them. I drink any hot drinks in the summer in the morning or at night when the heat hasn't kicked in/is done for the day. It soothes me a bit.

  4. Lately, I have been giving into those cravings. NOT GOOD AT ALL!!!

    1. Get those under control girlie! You've come too far to give in now even with all you're going through. Put together a new plan if you have to. You can do it!

  5. Unlike you, strong woman, I usually give in to them, but I try to be sensible about the serving. Unless my stomach is growling or cramping with hunger, I can ignore it. If the latter and it's almost mealtime, I'll get half a serving of trail mix and half a cup of milk to wash it down. Then I have to wait an hour before I'm ready to eat the meal. I think what happened to you there was no complex carbs. If I eat only meat and veg, it doesn't satisfy or fill my tummy. I need a piece of whole wheat bread, or potatoes of some kind, or rice. Not a big serving, just enough to fill the corners. Half a cup of cooked rice, or half a small baked potato will do nicely.

    1. Yeah me too, unless it's painful then I know it's not *true* hunger and just my inner 2 year old throwing a tantrum. I think my problem was my pork chop was puny and the Mr's was robust. We rarely eat our complex carbs at night anymore (but get plenty during the day). I should've hacked off an ounce or two for myself! ;-)

  6. ... I generally cave in to them. I'm doing a lot better since I started counting calories and just being more conscious of what I'm eating, but SO much junk food still ends up in my food diary.

    1. At least you're keeping track of it and can see if there are patterns. It's fine if you can fit it in but I'm planned to the calorie this week since we over-indulged Sunday which is becoming a habit we need to break PRONTO! :-\

  7. Yeah, that happens to me too. A lot. I chug water quickly, which helps me feel full. And I try to distract myself. Trashy online gossip sites usually do the trick. :)

    1. I tried chugging the water and it wasn't doing it for me. Sigh. I'll try the trashy gossip sites next time!

  8. Night time eating / not eating - is my biggest struggle. My go-to is a heated tonic, especially at night. I start with a base of some type of sleepytime tea, or at least a non caffinated one. I'll add in whatever i'm in the mood for...if I want chocolate, i'll add in some organic cacao powder. If i have room for calories, i'll throw in a tsp. or so of coconut oil. Some vanilla stevia, maybe MAYBE some sugar free creamer, and so on. I do also add in things like reishi mushroom drops - things that I know are amzing for me, so while I drink it I can focus on the positive of what i'm taking in. If i want to have about 0 calories, I stick with a yummy decaf tea with some stevia.

  9. The only thing I've been able to say to myself that seems to calm down the craving is, "nah, maybe tomorrow." Doesn't sound like much, but when I phrase it that way, I don't feel that sense of panic like oh no I have to have this now or else it'll be gone. I'm just nonchalant in my wording to myself (sound like a weirdo, but it's what I have to do) so it calms down that frenetic feeling and every single time I'm able to keep that thought in my head, I go to bed feeling SO good about myself. And when tomorrow comes, I say the same thing again. I'll fully admit to occasions when I do give in, but I notice when I'm casual about it in my own head, the craving isn't at intense. It's like fending off a wild animal in the woods (me being the big bear)! =o)

    1. I'll try to be non-chalant with myself next time and see if that works. ;-)

  10. Catching up on blogs and I love this. I absolutley feel the same way sometimes. After I eat I still feel hungry. I try to avoid it by eating regularly and not getting to hungry but if I ablsolutley am hungry I'll have some tea, pumpkin seeds or low sodium broth. It helps and is pretty low cal. Thanks for sharing!


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