
Monday, October 14, 2013

Apples to Apples

Sorry if anyone came here thinking we were talking about the board game(affiliate link)  which is awesome in its own right but I'm talking about real apples baby!

I eat apples every day.  Fall is my favorite time of year because my two favorite apples ever are in their peak form...Honeycrisps and Pink Ladies.  I'm always amazed when people say they've never heard of or tasted either of them.  Scandalous!  I found out all kinds of interesting info about both kinds so if you've never had them and are curious (or you just want to learn something new today), read on!

We have Western Australia to thank for Pink Ladies.  In 1973, they hybridized the Golden Delicious and Lady Williams apples but didn't make their way to the States until the late 1980's.  They're grown mostly on the west coast.  They used to have a much shorter in store season in our part of the woods but I've noticed the past few years I've been able to find them *almost* year round!  Their season is from September through early Spring.  Yeah baby!  Their taste has been described as a tart kick on the first bite with a flood of sweetness.  I love that about them.  I call them "dessert apples" because they're sweet enough to really satisfy a sweet tooth.  I have a friend who said I saved her by turning her on to the Pinks because they subbed her nightly sweet treat 5 out of 7 nights per week.  They're great baking apples because they keep their shape and they're great to use in salads as well.  They can last as long as a month in the fridge but they'll be lucky to make it a week in ours!

Now, onto the Honeycrisps!  They were first produced in 1960 when the honeygold and macoun were cross pollinated at the University of Minnesota but we couldn't get our hands on them until 1990.  (I guess it's becoming clear I like nouveau apples instead of the ones that have been around since the beginning of time.)  Honeycrisps are grown in areas with cooler climates such as Wisconsin, Michigan, New York, Minnesota and Washington.  The taste is like a drop kick to the tastebuds...a balance of sweet and tart that will grab your attention.  Their season is short compared to Pink Ladies...from the third week of September to mid-October.  That's right, that means you'd better get your hiney to the store and pick some up because their season is winding down!  You can use them for pies but these can also be used for applesauce as well.  There's a good bet that now that the weather is changing, there's a bag of honeycrisps in the car for 'road food.'

What are your favorite kinds of apples?

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  1. I'm a Fuji girl, although I don't eat apples as often as I should. I have heard of both of the ones you mentioned, I'm pretty sure I've picked up some pink lady, but can't recall what I thought of them (or if I ate them). Friends rave about the Honeycrisp, I think mostly for baking. They are usually more expensive, so I haven't tried them myself.

  2. I haven't seen pink ladies around here, but I've been on the lookout. I do like Honeycrisp but they are generally about twice as expensive so I don't buy them unless that are on sale.

    I like Fuji and Gala apples the best, but will settle for Red Delicious if I have to.

  3. I like the red delicious..usually i dont like apples a very rarely do I enjoy one...dont like pink ladies thought...

  4. I live for Honeycrisp apples!!! Around here (Utah), you better buy 'em the minute you see 'em because they're usually gone the next day...

  5. My favorite are Macintosh! However, since they are a truly northern apple, (I am a southern in my heart, and live in NC but am from PA) I can only find them in the fall! I stock up and eat so many during the October/November timeframe.... And make applesauce, soo good!

  6. My fave is always a Gala...But I'm going to try those others ones you mentioned because they sound right up my alley!

  7. My mom lives across the mountains from me in apple country (both of us in Washington state). Last week she delivered 2 huge boxes of organic honeycrisps that were picked only the day before. SO fresh, crispy, JUICY and all around awesome. I like Pink Lady's, too but I think they taste more tart than sweet. My favorite apple that was new to me last year is the Opal. It's a late season apple, so I have awhile to wait.

  8. Oh im wishing I had some apples now! Yummy

  9. My family favorites are Jazz apples. They are from New Zealand and are often hard to find, but they are fantastic! I am going to try your faves as I need a go to when I can't find the Jazz...

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Oh, sister, you hit the target with the Honeycrisps! I have 4 in my crisper right now, along with 1 Granny Smith. They are the best of the best. I don't think I've tried a Pink Lady, but I'm going to now. I was told a Jazz apple was sweet like a Honeycrisp but the one I tried was pretty blah (maybe not at peak of season?) so I never went back to that. Fittingly enough, one of my favorite candle scents is Macintosh Apple---that smell immediately brings me a sense of autumn and a calmness of spirit. I really should carry that around with me at work! LOL

  12. My favorite is Honeycrisp! They are so delicious. I also love Jazz apples. Today I have a Granny Smith, but that's because my husband picked the apples this week.

  13. LOVE honeycrisp apples. They are delicious!

  14. THOSE ARE MY 2 FAVORITES TOO! You have good taste. Not that there was any doubt about that.

  15. Love Macs. My friend has a small orchard in which he grows several heirloom varieties that are really good (and make amazing cider too).


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