
Friday, March 29, 2013

Hunger pains and Food Journal Friday

I'm getting a bad scale vibe this week.  I cut my calories back this week and I have been so friggin' hungry that I literally was awakened from the very little sleep I get from stabbing hunger pains 4:30am Thursday morning.  Then I would eat and less than an hour later I would be painfully hungry again.  So this'll be interesting.  I also think I might've torn my calf muscle because every move is painful right now so exercise today will be walking around the neighborhood to give it a bit of a rest.  Note to self:  don't do calf raises until they hurt or you will hurt for days later.

I found this article interesting, so I thought I'd share.  It's 3 words men don't want to hear and could eventually change their opinion of you.  Yes, it's weight related and oddly enough, something I was already considering writing a post about before I even read it.  It's not Earth shattering and I could certainly think of far worse three word phrases but still, in case you're bored at work.

Let's get to the eats!

Sunday was Trader Joe's Spinach Ricotta Ravioli and finished off the last of the King's Hawaiian dinner rolls.  Calories:  453

Monday was fiesta lime Orange Roughy over thai lime rice.  Calories: 440

Tuesday was orange chile pink salmon (cayenne pepper and orange marmalade) with grilled asparagus.  Calories:  394

Wednesday was Mahi fish taco with broccoli slaw and arugula and a side of brussels with pesto gouda.  We're almost out.  Trader Joe's PLEASE bring back the pesto's amazing!!!!  Calories:  485

Thursday was chicken tacos with arugula and hot taco sauce with a side of brussels.  Calories:  685

Tonight is BBQ salmon burger with a side of russet wedges and brussels.  Calories:  526

If you need some Easter yummies to bring Sunday, consider some of my recipes I shared last year.

Easter Egg Cake Balls
Easy Pineapple Banana Easter Cupcakes

Happy Easter y'all!  Try not to imbibe in more candy than you can work off in a week!  ;-)

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  1. The article definitely has some of the right perspective in terms of how helpless a guy feels if asked that particular question. Nothing a guy answers back with is the right thing or said the right way so "it's a trap" as Admiral Ackbar would say. But at the same time I think we've been very open about our weights and I honestly don't feel like I can't be honest with you about that stuff because we both work so hard together on it. I guess if you both get to a place where it is no longer in the area of taboo then there is nothing wrong with being honest and open about weight with each other.

    1. Yeah like the other night when I was walking around after peeling off my workout clothes in the basement and could feel the bottom of my butt cheeks as I walked and said "I have a dumpy ass" and you said "not as dumpy as mine." I said "so you agree I have a dumpy ass" and you said it was cute. At first I was like "screw you dude!" in my head but then I realized I didn't really care because you constantly tell me how cute my rump is so if dumpy is your thing, I'm your girl! :D (For now, until it's round and you can bounce quarters off of it)

  2. I get the vibe of the article but I think there are plenty of "three words" my spouse would (and does) hate more than "I am fat." Top one he'd hate to hear, "I am pregnant." (good thing that's not even an option anymore--sterility for the WIN!).

    1. WORD TO YOUR MOTHER!! I was just saying the other day how I wish they'd find a way to hollow me out without throwing me into menopause. Lady parts are ANNOYING when you're not going to use them.

  3. I admire your ability to not polish off a whole package of hawaiian rolls in one sitting. A feat I have yet to accomplish.

    1. This is how our consumption usually goes for those babies. Meal one- 2 chicken sliders a piece. (Four down) Meal Two another day- 2 beef or pork roast sliders a piece. (Four more down) Then we either use the rest as a side for a steak dinner one night and Italian another or they go hard because they got shoved to the back of the fridge and we have to throw them out. :-(

  4. Anele;
    How do you make your BBQ Chicken Naan Pizza? I have tried to search your site for the recipe. Is it in the freezer at TJ's? I'm getting the impression you put it together using the fresh Naan bread from TJ's.
    Thanks for your blog!

    1. Um yeah, that's because I haven't done an "official" recipe post for it. *blush* I will get on that asap. In the meantime, I use the naan from TJ's (but you can get it anywhere), some hummus as the "sauce" base, chicken, bbq sauce and a slice of thin swiss cheese on top. Sometimes I'll add lots of veggies, different meats, even pineapple. Lots of different combos out there. You could even do a greek version if you used plain hummus, lamb & light feta. The possibilities are endless!

  5. I hate when I have to lower my calories. When I first started losing weight at 325 pounds I ate around 1950 calories a day and lost weight. It's gradually gone down and I try not to eat over 1600 most days now. If I do, I don't lose weight and it sucks. :( When I was training for the half marathon, I barely lost any weight. I was hungry all the time and I'd go over my calories with an extra snack, and I still would have a growling stomach at 10 at night when I was trying to get ready for bed. It's so aggravating. I find that now eating around 1500 or so calories I'm not hungry, but I do want more food. And, it's hard not to go over that if you eat out or go to someone's house or whatever. I find it difficult trying to stay in that range and cook for my family. Sometimes I am so tired of it.

    1. Thing is, I've been down this road before where I've lowered my calories and its actually done more harm than good. But in desperation I found a new "weight calculator" for people who have lost weight and supposedly have new metabolisms and the amount of calories it initially told me was shockingly low. Like under 1200 and I would rather do well pretty much anything gross than go below that. I have no desire to screw up my already slow metabolism. So I stayed at the low end of my new calorie range. I've been bloated all week. My body is NOT appreciating this. We'll see. I've given up the hope the scale will ever do anything more than keep me tipping toward the 3's.

    2. I've read all sorts of things that say that people who have been overweight and lose weight will always have to eat about 2 or 300 calories less per day to avoid gaining weight vs someone of the same weight who hasn't been overweight. It really sucks. I know people who can eat like total pigs, and they stay the same weight, even without working out. I would love to be able to eat 1800 calories a day without gaining, but I can't. It really sucks. It's like as soon as I eat over 1700 a couple days the scale immediately goes up. I haven't lost much actual weight the last few months, but I am smaller because I tried on a dress I wore to a wedding in Sept that was so tight, and now it's loose, and I am only about 8 pounds less than I was then. This whole thing is so hard. I feel like I am starving if I eat less than 1400 calories. I am ok on 1600 most of the time, but I have found that what works for me is cycling, but I have a hard time doing that unless I plan very carefully.

  6. I think the article has some valid points for a new/dating relationship but after actually being fat (as opposed to just thinking that or gaining a couple pounds which is apparently the assumption of the author)and being married for a long while I think those words have lost their edge. Around here it's more like

    "I'm fat" "me too" "I'm sick of being fat" "me too"


    I feel fat is a much better 3 words than "car broke down" or "spent too much" for example

    1. We go through those phases as well but I know far too many people who say those same words regardless of how long they've been together.

      Oh trust me, I can think of 3 words phrases much worse than that, I just thought it was interesting.

  7. Wonderful food as always! I liked that article a lot as those words really do set a guy up for failure. It's very manipulative to state that when the goal is to get someone to say "no, you're not fat". Those kind of head games are really self-directed, and ironically, even when someone does say we're not fat, we won't believe them anyway! Having open conversations about weight and things like that is very healthy, and it sure beats the heck out of the negative self-talk and beating ourselves up. Because there is no other person on earth who can truly make us feel good about ourselves except ourselves. When we really accept ourselves, we don't feel the need to make statements like "I'm so fat". I've even learned for myself how destructive it is to make funny sarcastic comments about my weight. It's the same concept, just done in a different tone...the outcome is still the same: self-hate. And how unfair is that to put that on somebody else. Thanks for sharing such an eye-opening article! Happy, Happy Easter to you and your Mr!!

    1. Yeah, they do set him up in a no win situation. I'm the queen of self deprecation. I need to stop that because if I stop to think of how it would sound if the Mr was so down on himself like I am on myself, it would get pretty old. Unfortunately girls are just naturally meaner to themselves (and each other honestly) than guys are.

      Happy Easter to you as well mama!

  8. I'm baaack! Yay. So the article wasn't something we didn't know but it was nice to hear a guys perspective, and that most of their responses were based on how it makes us appear to feel about ourselves, and not about how they see us physically.
    I feel your pain about the lower calorie ranges- having done that recently and I am usually feeling SO hungry at night- and have woken up with it also. I tell myself 'wow, this is what it feels like to be really hungry- you're not dying- go to bed.' lol. Write your article anyway Mrs., you're a good writer!


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