
Saturday, February 23, 2013

White Flag

Up 1 1/2.

I give up.

(Okay obviously I don't give up but I'm SUPER PISSED!  I need a few days)

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  1. How frustrating for you but giving up is not an option. You didn't make it this far by being a quitter. Sending hugs and positive thoughts your way.

  2. no worries, i was going up and down constantly for more than 3 months before my body finally gave in and started losing weight again! of course you re not going to quit! you re just not like that!!!! Just try maybe shocking your body with a completely different dietary or exercise program. should work. hugs and positive thoughts from me too!

  3. (((big hug))), and no my friend you're not giving up, because we're in this together....and you'd never let me give up!
    Regroup, rest, and come back fighting strong tomorrow.

  4. NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!! I know you can do this. You've come so far!

  5. Oh, no you don't! I'm up almost two (again) for a total of 22, and I'm not giving up. I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore!

  6. I know you really aren't giving up. Its not an option for you. But I am sorry. If it were easy and made sense we would all weigh less than 200!

  7. I hoisted that flag 3 weeks ago... f'in scale...

  8. I bet it's water retention from doing more intense exercise this week. Hang in there! You're doing awesome. ~Krista

  9. I've not commented before, but just wanted to send some support your way! You've come so far & we all know you can keep going :)

  10. I know you joke Anele. You've been at this longer than I have, so are way more experienced in the ups and downs. I just want to throw in my two cents of support and say I'm here for you....anytime....anyplace! Love ya girl!!

  11. Shut your mouth, ain't no one giving up here!

    Seriously, you do lose most weeks; maybe it would be less painful for you to only get on the scale once a month. Just a thought . . . .

  12. Frustrating isn't it? You'll push through it :)

  13. I understand your frustration! You can't give up nor will you because you are not a quitter. You are probably retaining water from doing more exercise and more intense exercising. It's just going to take some time for your body to adjust. Hang in there! {{hugs}}

  14. ever think of taking a week off of planned workouts(I know u have a long perfect attendance record). I know it sounds insane but maybe Ur body will react to a big shakeup like that?

  15. that is EXACTLY how i felt the first three weeks I started weight watchers. I KNEW that it would work in the long term if i kept committed, but after three weeks i had lost less than 1lb. I was so discouraged I quit for three weeks..and now i'm starting over again and again ...every time i remind myself it wont be so hard to start if i STOP QUITTING. So i hope you can find your inner strength to not quit

  16. Have you had a blood panel done recently to rule out a medical reason (vitamin D levels or something else)?

  17. I know YOU know that a weight recorded on any given day is just that--the weight that day, not necessarily a reflection of what you've done the whole week. You got this; you are too strong to quit. Step back, hiss at the scale a minute, and then then keep going.

  18. Don't give up! You have enjoyed so much success up to this point and we know you're capable of even more!


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