
Saturday, June 9, 2012

Vacation weight gone - Weigh In

Down 3 lbs today which means vacation weight is officially gone.

I'm not going to do cartwheels so as not to get an 'excessive celebration' penalty next week and I also know when I lose more than 2 I can expect to lose 0 the following week so I have no expectation for next week.  I will just sit here quietly bathing in the afterglow of a good weigh in.

Have a great day y'all.  I know mine got a little better!

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  1. Congrats! I, too, just said goodbye to my vacation weight. All I can say is Baby Steps Baby Steps...but at least those steps are in the right direction!

  2. Yay!! *clapping of hands...Go ahead and enjoy that victory, you earned it, hope you have a wonderful weekend. Hope it is still cool enough to enjoy some time on the lanai. :)

  3. Yippee!!! Great job, hotstuff! Just take this and enjoy and savor it. My weigh-in was up 1.6. Sigh... after a week of almost all fruits, vegetables, and water I thought I'd fair better. But I'm just looking at it as information and nothing more for today. Enjoy your weekend and stay cool! It's due to hit 90 here today. =o(

  4. Woo hoo! I'm glad you were able to lose the vacation weight so quickly. :)

    I've been losing steadily, but this week I was so stressed with the host issues that I overate. :( But next week will be better!

  5. I'll dance for you! (A bit less) Hip-hip-hooray!

    {{{{{{{{{ HUGS }}}}}}}}}

  6. YES! I got down to 147 after surgery, but back up this week. Yesterday 152--but I was pretty sure that was the results of the Mongolian Grill the day before, those sauces (I don't use the oil sauces) are very very salty. Son loves to go there, and I try to concentrate on veggies, but always indulge in ONE crab rangoon. So delicious! Today--150 lbs. So I'm hoping that 152 was momentary. I WILL NOT go back to work on July 9, having gained a bunch of weight. I WILL NOT!

  7. I gained five pounds of sodium weight this week. I have GOT to pull in the reins and stop eating out, even if it's "healthy" eating out. I know it's sodium weight because my belly is bloated, but other areas are smaller (e.g. I can finally see my cheekbones again). Still, it's annoying as hell, considering I finally got under 340. I'm trying to flush it out with green tea and a ton of water right now. I'll be happy to break even next Friday.

  8. Woo hoo! Great news! Enjoy your weekend.

  9. Great news! I did a little dance for ya = )

  10. I am glad the vacay weight is gone ! The same thing happens to me, where if I lose a lot one week, the next week is squat. The body can drive you crazy sometimes.

  11. Good news on losing 3 stress points!

  12. Wow that's great! Well done! @ a weigh in it's always a happy moment when you have a loss rather than a gain! Although it's obviously not the end of the world! I am a new reader of your blog and am loving it, well done!

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