
Friday, March 30, 2012

Food Journal Friday - 3/26 to 3/30

Breakfast has been oatmeal all week.  I swear if that stuff doesn't bring down my cholesterol, I'm going to scream.  Lunches have been relatively the same too.  Tuna lettuce tacos, my new favorite, reduced sodium turkey sandwich with arugula.  We even had a day (after the mammogram) that I stopped into one of the Mr's favorite places to eat where I knew *I* could control the portions.  I did a veggie chicken stir fry and a small side salad (maybe 1 cup of lettuce) and I put the dressing on the side so I could dip it and the Mr followed suit.  I actually came in less that day than what I had planned for lunch so it was nice I could surprise him with that

The one thing you quickly learn when taking pics of your food is when you're eating something over and over again without realizing it.  Perhaps it was because I was preparing them different ways?  Anyway, welcome to the week of the spud.  Let's eat!

Monday was fish tacos and potato wedges with Mrs Dash Fiesta Lime seasoning.  One of our favorites!  Calories 526

Tuesday was sloppy joes with garlic cheese mashed potatoes.  It was pretty yummy and recipe will be coming up in a few weeks.  I've been on a cooking spree lately so I'm having to space them out so I'm not posting recipes a couple of times a week!  Calories:  524

Wednesday was sloppy joe leftovers which were just as good as the night before on a whole wheat bun and a baked potato with a sprinkle of parmesan cheese.  Yeah...I should probably lay off the potatoes at least one night this week.  Calories 461

Thursday was whole wheat penne pasta with half meat sauce and half low salt marinara, a sprinkle of parm and lite garlic bread.  Mangia!  Calories 670

Tonight's dinner was chicken tacos with mozzarella, onions, chipotle hummus and arugula.  Fruit salad on the side starring cantaloupe, half an apple and big ol' grapes.  Calories 600

Average calories for the week:  2223
Calories burned this week:  4660

Hoping for good numbers on the scale tomorrow!

Did y'all have anything exceptionally yummy this week?

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  1. I'm still laughing at your mammogram post but honestly, yours went just like was so much easier than I imagined.

    Nothing yummy this week. Too much work, too little time. Tonight we had baked chicken breast with jasmine rice and sugar pea pods. It was sustaining, I'll give it that much.

    Have a good weekend!

  2. Go ahead and post those recipes!! (She says, selfishly..) NOM! Best thing I had this week was the Ground Chicken Zucchini Burgers and the 3-Bean Ground Chicken Chili. YUM! I made Pumpkin Protein Bars last night, though and OMG! It's like pumpkin bread! SOOOO good! And last night I made foil packets with cod and asparagus that were so simple it was stupid and amazingly good. Today I think I'll try making my first ever pesto sauce. Wish me luck!! ;)

  3. Nothing particularly yummy this last week. I do have a new recipe to try next week though.

  4. I can't wait for the mashed potatoes post! I really ought to make those more often. And that garlic bread is totally making my mouth water...


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