
Monday, December 26, 2011

Keeping up with the gift cards

My grandparents, probably like yours, have everything.  When you get to be in your 70's and 80's, you've accumulated all of the stuff you want and need and say things like "gift cards will be fine."  The problem with that is when you tell someone that you go to Olive Garden all the time, then people will think they're all clever and get you a gift card there...all three daughters and a granddaughter.  Italian food for life!  I've been making sure I get them gift cards that can be used at multiple restaurants so they at least have an option.  So between each daughter, us and their friends, my grandparents really rack up the gift card count year round.  Her birthday is in the spring, his birthday is in the fall and then Christmas.  They're a lot to keep track of.

As I was watching my grandpa open his 7th gift card at his 80th birthday party, I pulled The Mr aside and joked that I was going to get them a recipe box to put their gift cards in to keep track of.  I decided to go through with it and bought a nice bamboo recipe box to organize the gift cards and I even filed their Christmas gift cards in there for them.

What I love about this recipe box is not only is it pretty and something they can keep on the counter but this particular model has a card holder on the top!  Let's say the grandparents want to go to Red Lobster for dinner, they can grab the gift card out of the box and slip it in the slot on the top so they don't forget it!

Love it!  When the lady at the store asked if I was organizing my Christmas recipes, I told her no, what I was going to use it for and she about lost it telling me how awesome that was and I thought, "hmm, I should probably share that one."  I know I'm not the first person to think of it but you'd have thought I was given how the cashier was going on not just to me but the lady behind me as I was leaving.  Of course the grandparents loved it or if they didn't they did a great job faking it.  So if you find yourself with an abundance of gift cards that you don't want to keep in your bulging wallet or dig out of the abyss of your purse, this recipe box is a great way to keep track of them!

What was your favorite gift you received this year?
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  1. That is such a great idea!

    My favorite gift this year is a coffee mug (and I never thought I'd say that). It has Gandhi's quote "Be the change you wish to see in the world" on it.

    My daughter-in-law picked it out. I have always liked this quote, and it is my SP theme, but I had just decided to make it my "mantra" going into the new year.

  2. Great idea. I really think they genuinely loved it. Grandpa was still talking about it as I helped carry their gifts to the car so it stood out as the one he seemed most excited about.

  3. That is a fantastic idea! I do something similar with birthday cards. I have folders for each month and keep everything ready. I don't want to forget anyone, and I make the cards ahead of time .. so it's helpful :)

  4. Brilliant. You are so creative. My favorite gift was my new Vitamix blender--smoothies for life!

  5. Great idea! Bet the grandparents loved it. And you're right, when people get that age (I am rapidly approaching it--I'll be 61 Sunday), they don't need any more "stuff." In fact they're probably trying to downsize a little!

    However, I was also thinking of investing in a couple of recipe boxes. Then HANDwriting out a few of my favorite (and my son's favorite) recipes and putting them in the box and giving them to my daughters-in-law for Christmas. You see--I have 3 sons--so I know they don't know they don't do much cooking. But at this time of year, when I'm going through my own recipe box, and I spy a recipe HANDwritten by my mom, mother-in-law, or grandmother-in-law (wish I had some recipes from my OWN grandmas!) all of whom have passed away, it helps me remember them so fondly. And I want that for my own kids after I'm gone. So maybe if I get started on this project NOW (WRITING out a whole bunch of recipes is going to take some time--who HANDwrites anything anymore?), I'll be done by NEXT Christmas!

  6. Terrific idea!
    My favorite gift this Christmas was another gift card - from ALL the kids! They got us season tickets for The Connecticut Sun professional women's basketball. Love it!

  7. You can also keep coupons filed with the gift cards.

  8. What a great idea! No wonder they loved it.

    My favorite? Hubby got me Eeyore pajamas - those are pretty cool.

  9. What a sweet thing to do. That is BEAUTIFUL!! I had a similar one that I use to organize the books I've read because I found myself buying one I'd read years before. It got too small and I had to move along to a three drawer deal, but nothing was as pretty as the bamboo one. You rock!!


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