
Friday, November 4, 2011

A wrench in the plan

Yesterday was the day from Hell.  About 9:15am, boom, no internet, TV or phone.  I go up and reboot everything under the sun and nothing.  I figure it's an ISP issue so I go to call the hubby to tell him to call the ISP and no cell phone.  Oh gee, let me guess where it his car at work.  We were getting our bed replaced so I had to stick around.  Once they left, I hopped in the car and drove around town looking for a pay phone.  Good effin' luck people.  I drove for 5 miles and nothing!  Back home I went.  It was the first day of Aunt Flo's visit, no contact with the outside world and my blood was boiling.  Finally I decided to just accept I was going to miss the background noise (my soaps) and popped open the first season of Six Feet Under (affiliate link) and fell in love all over again.  (As well as bawled my eyes out like a hormonal beast)  I left a note on the garage door for The Mr. proclaiming all of the events of the day and to bring the cell phone in from his car and to approach me with caution.  After hour four of SFU, I was much more mellow but needed him to call the ISP so we could get things resolved.  They gave us a 3 hour window.  Not acceptable.  I told him to call back (it would not end well if I called) and ask them to call before they came.

See, we had a nice hike on the schedule and now we couldn't do it because we needed to be within 20-30 minutes of being back home due to the impending 5 HOUR ordeal we were going to have to endure.  So I strapped on the heart rate monitor and said "let's walk the neighborhood!"  I didn't need to burn much more for the week but I wanted at least 400 calories and that's what I got.  I'm glad we got to fit that in because they were at the house from 6pm to 11pm.  The guys were all nice enough...all four of them when all was said and done, but there was no way in Hell I was going to let this situation dictate whether or not I got scheduled exercise.  If I had to start at 11pm with the tension migraine I developed, so be it.  It was on the schedule, it was getting done.

When an unexpected situation pops up before you are able to get your workout in, how do you handle it?  Do you skip it altogether, make it up later in the week or find a way to fit it in no matter what?

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  1. Oh, when things go wrong. . . . . . I just had a day like yours; after I've completed my temper tantrum, I try to come up with a "Plan B." Sometimes Plan B is "try again tomorrow!"

    (Look for a SP blog soon about Plan B's - - - - -and C's and D's and back to A's!!)

  2. Lately I haven't been very good, and have been skipping a lot of workouts when unexpected "stuff" comes up. I have a new resolve though to workout no matter what. I'm allowed 2 rest days a week, but they can be any days to keep my schedule a little more flexible. My new resolve requires me to do some kind of exercise the other 5 days so even if it means walking in place in front of the tv or using the dreadmill at midnight I will make it happen. I'm 4 for 4 this week so far.

  3. It is this kind of determination that I am working on acheiving :). My minor victory (nothing like what you had to go through) was the alarm getting messed up so I didn't get up and run with my sis and mom...leaving me to accomplish it all by myself (usually a set-up for not doing it). But, after I got everyone off to school the dog and I headed out. After only 20 min or so he trips me up, but the sore knee (no blood, just an egg swelling up) didn't even stop me. I got my entire 45 minutes done!! So, the point is, your example is starting to rub off on me :)!! Glad you got it in despite the horrible circumstances.

  4. First off...sorry for the crappy events you had to endure yesterday! I'm so impressed with your attitude..."it's on the schedule, it's getting done!"....I really need to adopt this. I just blogged today about how I really need to not let myself give in to not working out for a day. I work out over my lunch hour while at work, yesterday I was unable to go because we had a lot going on, so what did I do? I completely skipped my workout. Did I need to? Absolutely not!!! I could have gone for a walk when I got home or used the countless pieces of equipment that we have in our basement...but no, I just "skipped it" .. UGH.. Well, today is a new day and because of YOU I have a new & better attitude!

    I hope you have a great day!!!!

  5. I usually figure out a Plan B, but if I don't, I try not to get persnickety about it. That works only 43.8% of the time.

    Glad you got it resolved!

  6. Ok, I gotta ask! What soaps do you watch??

  7. I love hearing everyone's perspectives on this!

    Katie- I watch the only 2 left on CBS, Y&R and B&B though sometimes I REEEALLY wonder why I bother.

  8. Sometimes a few hours of exile are beneficial, but not when imposed upon you by a utility service! Bless your heart. Bravo for making your goals despite the insanity. *APPLAUSE*

  9. I usually reschedule my plans when stuff like this happens, but at this point in time I don't think I'd skip my exercise. Good for you that you found a way to get it done :)

  10. I just restarted my workouts. But my plan for unexpecteds is to figure out a way to get it done or resolve to switch one of my rest days to a workout day. Either way its five days a week.

    Prayfully your weekend will be much better.

  11. So funny you brought this up, I actually skipped a workout today. Usually I work out M,W,F,Su. I got called into work today so thankfully, I'm working out tomorrow! It's so frustrating when life gets in the way, but I guess it's how we deal with it that shows our success. You are obviously showing your life whose boss "throw a wrench in my plans, and I'll build you a car engine" LOL! Get em girl!

  12. good question!! I usually find a way to work it in because I know that it keeps me mentally sane and will make the unexpected easier to handle

  13. The workouts get done no matter what. I workout by myself, so it's easy for me to switch things around and get it to work. I had to do this recently with the job stuff due to working so much at night. I now get up at 4:45am so I can workout first thing, then go to work. The only thing I have to worry about when I get home then is making dinner and lunches. If I have to bring work home, the stress isn't there to have to squeeze in my workout--I got it down 12 hours earlier! It's been working out well and I'm hoping it'll improve my mood to start my day at work. Still working on that...*snort*.


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