
Friday, October 14, 2011

A Torrid Affair

You've heard me talk about vanity sizing before.  I have recently been reshaping the bod due to the increase in kick butt strength workouts so while the scale is mooning me every week, I'm somehow slipping down a size.  Now I know that despite the 18/20 label that some plus sized stores neatly tuck into my shirt to tell me "atta girl!  You're smaller than you thought!" that I'm not a true 18/20 right now.  I know that in old school sizes I would be closer to say a 24/26 (not a 28 nor a 22 typically attached to those two numbers so that's why I made up my own size there).  I don't mind.  The point is I'm going down a size and lying to me about what that size is does not make me feel better about myself.  I'm glad I'm shrinking but I prefer to be spoon fed some hard truth numbers, you dig?

So I'm thinking since at least 2 places (no, 3 now that I think about it in a big box store) all have my top half at 18/20, I was lulled into a false sense of security that this was now my size.  I spied Torrid having a 50-75% sale and knowing that I can fit comfortably into my 22/24's from there, I figured when there were a few 18/20's at great prices, I should snag them up and saved $60 on 3 items.  (Actually I didn't save $60 because I wouldn't have paid full price but I digress...)  The package arrived the other day and I rip open one of the shirts and I held it up and laughed and said "this will never fit."  Oh, it fit.  It fit my rolls like saran wrap baby.  These shirts were TRUE 18/20's...which is not my true size and instead of feeling all crappy about it, I wanted to write them and thank them!  THANK YOU for not treating me like some brittle esteemed d-bag that needs a particular number to feel validated.  Torrid says "this is you sister, deal with it!"  You know what?  I am.  I like not being pandered to and being slipped the red pill to show me the reality.  I gots mah big girl panties on (figuratively and literally) and I'm all good.  One day I'll fit into them and the victory will be that much sweeter for me!

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  1. I love the way you think!! Honestly, I hate false labeling. I bought a pair of jeans way back, and happened to fit in to a size I hadn't worn in years! I was baffled but also super, super happy. Until I realized that they had played me for a fool, and that I had in fact GONE UP a size in normal sizes instead.

    The truth is always best!

  2. I have a goal pair of pants hanging up in my room that I look at each morning and think you CAN DO THIS!!! It is important to have goals to shoot for:) I love your attitude it makes me :) smile!!

  3. I hate that no matter where you shop. you're going to be a different size. They need to get back to the 50's with sizing, even if that means I'm back up to a 28. Keep it real!

  4. I didn't discover Torrid until I had undergrown it. How I wish I'd known about it before! They have such a nice selection.

    I don't really care what size I wear. I'd just like to know I wear a 6,8,10 or 12 in *every* store.

  5. Don't even get me started on all this sizing junk! I just want to be able to know I can grab "my" size in any store but that's not possible. Have to try everything on and I hate that!

  6. I really believe vanity sizing needs to be added to the list of things that have contributed to the "obesity epidemic".

    Sedintary lifestyles fueled on nutritionally void food stuffs "makes" folks fat and vanity sized clothing keeps them fat (note: I'm over simplifying to make a point).

  7. Thanks guys! I'm glad I'm not the only one who would prefer the truth. I think we're all woman enough to deal with reality. ;)

  8. This is what I've discovered while shopping. There is a "ladies" 18/20 and there is a "women's" 18/20. BIG difference! I was discouraged when trying on a "ladies" 18/20 as I was losing weight. I disliked having to be separated from the "ladies". While I would love to wear the styles that are out there I have come to accept the "women's" departments and the Lane Bryant's, etc. At least I can put on a pair of pants without feeling like a sausage. It isn't fair to separate us into "ladies" and "women" but it is what it is.

  9. Way to go! Woo Hoo! That is so exciting. I lost 5 pounds on my weigh in today. I was so excited. I have 3 more pounds and I will be back to what my ticker says and hopefully I will keep losing this time. My computer was down for 4 days so I am behind on my Spark stuff.

  10. You're one of my new fave reads. This post and your perspective shown in it is genius! Kudos!


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