
Saturday, May 21, 2011

After Vacay Weigh In

I didn't do a weigh in "officially" because I'd only had 3 days under my belt by weigh in time and whatever was going to come off would be water weight.  Last week that was 3 lbs of the 8 I gained while in San Francisco.

This week after a full week of good eatin' and exercise I've got another 3 pounds off with 2 still hanging on.  I'm PRAYING that it comes off this week and May can be a wash where I started.  There would be nothing more frustrating than to having weight I didn't start with at the beginning of the month hanging around when I didn't even get to taste and enjoy it because of some d-bag's cold they decided to pass on to me on day 2.

So send out those vibes folks and I'll send some good ones right back at ya!  Have an awesome weekend!

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  1. Got my fingers crossed for you!!

  2. I'm sending good vibes for another 3+ lb loss for you. I think you deserve to be down for the month! Keep up the good work.


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